TeleSeminar Relax Into Health

Each month we will explorer simple techniques like guided imagery to align your body mind spirit with health. At the very core of your being, your body already knows how to heal.

Go Here For More Details

Flu and Cold Season

Homeopathic Remedy

* To quickly and effectively relieve all the major symptoms of flu and the common cold
* To cut recovery time by at least half, even with severe symptoms
* As a safe and effective natural alternative to conventional OTC cold and flu remedies
* To reduce the need for antibiotic use and to prevent secondary infection like bronchitis, pneumonia, throat and ear infections

Click-here To Learn More

Online Counseling

Online Counseling is especially designed for clients who need directive counseling and support or concrete and constructive guidance in any area of their lives, including relationships, parenting, marital difficulties, divorce, depression, anxiety, sexual health or any other problem that concerns them.

Consultations are secure and confidential and offer a professional and effective service to help you in your search for growth.

Go here and Read what our Clients say about Online Counseling.

Yeast Infection-Candida

Drug therapy is at the center of allopathic medicine's treatment program for yeast infections. Typically, one of several antifungal drugs is used to interrupt the normal growth process of fungus.

Alternative Approaches

Several alternative therapies place the emphasis of yeast infection treatment on the elimination of the causes, rather than eliminating the fungus.

Ayurvedic Medicine
Nutritional Therapy
Herbal Medicine

Read Article for Natural Therapies

Psoriasis Treatments, Resources and Links

What is Psoriasis?

Typically psoriasis sufferers usually develop well defined red raised patches covered by silvery scales which form first on the scalp, behind the ears, on the back of the neck, between the shoulders, on elbows and knees or near fingernails and toenails.

How is Psoriasis usually treated?

Psoriasis cannot be cured although symptoms may disappear for long periods. Conventional treatment is aimed at controlling the condition and ranges from simple topical treatments such as moisturizing and lubricating products and corticosteroid creams to exposure to ultraviolet light. Very severe conditions may be treated with anticancer medications.

Read Article---Psoriasis: Helping yourself can speed up recovery

Read Article---Psoriasis Treatments Entering New Era

Read Article---Psoriasis Resources and Links

Essential Oils for Concentration

Today, scientists the world over have turned their attention to the now very topical issue - sense of smell. They have been especially interested in the tie between fragrances to memory triggers in the brain and those infamous pheromones - fragrant hormone-like substances that influence physical attraction. The olfactory membrane is the only place in the human body where the central nervous system is exposed and in direct contact with the environment.

Consider these essential oils when you need to improve memory and concentration:

Read List of Oils

Feng Shui Masters

Our Feng Shui consultants are certified and trained in the ancient Chinese art of placement. Our services include Home and Business, Interior Design Solutions, Keynote Speaking, Lectures, Seminars and Classes. Find Feng Shui Masters

When there is an obstruction of energy, we find ourselves out of balance, stuck and working harder than necessary to achieve our desired goals. Feng Shui (pronounced FUNG SHWAY) is the ancient Chinese art of placement that enables energy to move freely and in harmony with your surroundings.

It is not based on any religion, mysticism, or supersition. At it's most basic level, it's about helping people. By clearing negative or blocked energies, Feng Shui can redirect the Ch'i surrounding you, so that it flows freely in a positive direction, which brings balance, harmony and prosperity to you and your environment. Think of yourself as a boat. It is simply easier and more effective to sail with the current and wind than against it.

Feng Shui Directory On-line

Six Simple Truths About Dieting

The best diet plan for you will most likely be one that includes foods you like to eat, and even allows you to "binge" a little once in awhile.

Six Things To Remember

And in three short weeks you'll be on your way to a new you. And a year from now, you'll be healthier and happier than you ever have been. And no one will ever remember that you were overweight.

Read Article and List of Six Things To Remember

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You just can't beat free advertising and guaranteed visitors - create your FREE account today!

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Combating Jet Lag

Air travel, shift work and space travel are modem activities that profoundly disturb the body's inner biological or "circadian" clock, giving rise to several minor (and in some cases serious) health problems.

Experiments have shown that without external time cues -- such as bedtime, mealtimes, work deadlines -- the body clock runs slow, at cycles of about 25 hours.

Many remedies have been proposed for combating jet lag, including special diets, various drugs, exposure to very bright light and, most recently... (more)

Read Article Combating Jet Lag

Shingles Natural Treatment

In the past ten years recent studies and research with alternative treatments for shingles has shown it is possible to recover in less than one week and to reduce outbreaks of lesions and pain in three days.

Some doctors prescribe steroids or itch-relieving creams that contains steroids. Recent studies question the effectiveness of steroids in relieving shingles and suggest avoiding any treatment with steroids. Monitoring by your doctor is recommended, if steroids have been... (more)

Natural Remedies For Shingles

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Understanding Breast Cancer

In the US, breast cancer is the leading cause of death in women between the ages of 30 and 50. Rarely diagnosed before a woman reaches 25, the number of incidents rises with age, peaking at menopause and decreasing once menopause had passed.

Recommendations For Wellness

Do monthly breast self-examination. If you dont know...

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Skin Allergies

A skin allergy, or what is correctly called contact dermatitis, occurs when your skin comes in contact with something it is allergic to. There are many things that can cause contact dermatitis such as latex, hair dye, perfumes, make ups, bath powders and some household cleaning products.

Eczema is also considered a skin allergy. Eczema is generally... (more)

As with other types of allergies such as seasonal pollen, animal allergy or food allergy there is... (more)

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Victims of Hurricane Katrina Please Donate

Federal offices said today that people wanting to help the victims of Hurricane Katrina can make cash contributions to organizations.

Cash donations allow the agencies to avoid the need to store, pack, and distribute donated goods. The cost to store, pack, and distribute becomes cost prohibitive which is why cash donations are currently being sought.

FEMA (Federal Emergency Management Agency listed the following agencies as needing cash to assist hurricane victims:

- American Red Cross
English 800-HELP NOW (435-7669)
Spanish 800-257-7575

ALSO, The American Red Cross says you can donate gift cards from Target and Wal-Mart to distribute to the victims.

- Operation Blessing, 800-436-6348

- America's Second Harvest, 800-344-8070

- Adventist Community Services, 800-381-7171

- Catholic Charities, USA, 703-549-1390

- Christian Disaster Response, 941-956-5183 or 941-551-9554

- Christian Reformed World Relief Committee, 800-848-5818

- Church World Service, 800-297-1516

- Convoy of Hope, 417-823-8998

- Lutheran Disaster Response, 800-638-3522

- Mennonite Disaster Service, 717-859-2210

- Nazarene Disaster Response, 888-256-5886

- Presbyterian Disaster Assistance, 800-872-3283

- Salvation Army, 800-SAL-ARMY (725-2769)

- Southern Baptist Convention - Disaster Relief, 800-462-8657, ext. 6440

- United Methodist Committee on Relief. 800-554-8583

Healing Heartburn Holistically


Everyone at some point in time has experienced some form of heartburn. Often, what we notice is a bitter, sour or acid taste in our mouths. At times, we may feel as if partially digested foods or liquids are moving from our stomach back towards our mouth. Sometimes we may also experience chest pain that increases when we lay down. Each of these is an indication of heartburn. 

Before we move on, however it is important to note that heartburn is only an indicator of a potentially larger digestive disorder called acid reflux or gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD). Acid reflux is neither a serious disorder nor life threatening. This is especially true for those who only experience it occasionally

But what causes acid reflux?

Read Article-Healing Heartburn Holistically


The Great Heartburn Hoax
Heal the ROOT problem.

They would have you believe that your only course of action against "your disease" is the consumption of pharmaceutical drugs in an effort to mask the symptoms. (close the valve, the lower esophageal sphincter (LES), and/or suppress the stomach acid production) These very same drugs, which do not address the root cause of these disorders, can cause and/or allow serious gastrointestinal problems to existin addition to numerous negative side effects.

Read Article-The Great Heartburn Hoax

Chronic Fatigue Syndrome

I tried everything to get well from modern medicine to natural medicine but everything failed. Even doctors told me that there was no cure and that I just had to learn to live with it but...

What doctors won't tell you about Chronic fatigue Syndrome

Read Article

Green Tea 300 Healthy Weight Loss Patch

GREEN TEA EXTRACT is one of nature's most powerful antioxidants. This all-natural ingredient is recognized for its beneficial health properties, as well as being a natural fat inhibitor. The Green Tea300 Patch and Powder Weight Loss System offers a high-potency Green Tea Drink, as well as the only available Green Tea Patch to match!

Oprah discusses weight loss benefits of Green Tea with Dr. Perricone

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Juice Therapy For Common Ailments

Juice fasting or juice therapy is a great way to detox your system. Accumulated metabolic waste and toxins are quickly eliminated.

Raw juices are extremely rich in vitamins, minerals, trace elements, enzymes and natural sugars. Juices extracted from raw fruits and vegetables require little digestion and almost all their vital nutrients are assimilated directly in the bloodstream.

The following juice blends are recommended recipes for Common Ailments:

Acidity: Grapes, orange, mosambi, carrot and spinach.

Acne: Grapes, pear, plum, tomato, cucumber, carrot, potato and spinach.

Allergies: Apricot, grapes, carrot, beet and spinach.

More... Read Article

Don’t Be A Weight Loser

The words you use have power. If you say "Dieting never works", guess what, you’re right. But if you say "Dieting works for me" it will always work for you.

Be mindful of the words you use because your words get planted into your subconscious. Each time you make a negative statement about yourself or your body it grows stronger with each failed attempt.

The term "weight loss" has its own faults. If you LOSE something like your keys you obviously want to find them. So why are there hundreds of articles about "weight loss"? Your unconscious mind will help you find what you lost --- your weight!

The most successful weight reduction programs for adults and children are those that consistently involve the entire family. A healthy whole food diet with supplementation as well as a family that exercises together is the key to a family's success for good health and optimal wellness.

Starting today be mindful of your words. Go on a "Weight Release Program".

Here is a program that is changing people's lives and I am very happy to now offer this to you today!

The Isagenix™ Cleansing And Fat Burning System

* A blend of 242 Specific Nutrients, Herbs, and Antioxidants.
* NO Ephedra, Ma Huang, Kola Nut, or added Caffeine to the formulations.
* The highest grade of low lactose whey protein, organic carbohydrates, and fats.

"It works!! Easy to follow instructions. I was able to complete the program with NO negative effects. I just lost 9 pounds and 15 inches after my first 2 days. Then, I lost a total of 14 pounds and 21 inches in just 9 days!" Mack V., St. Petersberg, FL

Recommended by doctors and naturopaths.

Get Started with Isagenix™ Now!
Isagenix™ Cleanse for Life 9-Day Program

Save Someone’s Life Today-Recognizing A Stroke

A true story:

Susie stumbled and fell. Her friend, Sherry, saw this happen. Being very concerned, she had the insight to ask Susie the 3 questions below.

Suzie failed all three test-questions, so 911 was called. Even though she had normal blood pressure readings and did not appear to be suffering a stroke (she could converse to some extent with the Paramedics) they took her to the hospital right away. Susie suffered brain damage after a massive stroke, but is recouping at an incredible pace. So simple - this literally saved Susie's life - Some angel had previously sent this advice to Suzie's friend and she followed it exactly.

Read and Learn the 3 steps!

A stroke occurs when oxygen fails to reach some part of the brain. Sometimes symptoms of a stroke are difficult to identify. Unfortunately, the lack of awareness spells disaster. The stroke victim will ( - WILL! -) suffer brain damage if people nearby fail to recognize the symptoms of a stroke, and take action. Now doctors say a bystander can recognize a stroke by asking the victim three simple questions:

*Ask the individual to SMILE.

*Ask him or her to RAISE BOTH ARMS.

*Ask the person to SPEAK A SIMPLE SENTENCE coherently (e.g. "It is sunny out today").

If he or she has trouble with ANY of these tasks, call 911 immediately and describe the symptoms to the dispatcher.

After discovering that a group of non-medical volunteers could identify facial weakness / arm weakness / and speech problems, researchers now urge the general public to learn the three questions. They presented their conclusions at the American Stroke Association's annual meeting last February. Widespread use of this test could result in prompt diagnosis and treatment of the stroke and prevent brain damage.

A cardiologist says that if everyone who reads this and tells 10 people, you can bet that at least one life will be saved!

It could save their lives. A stroke changes the lives of all family and friends around the victim, for years afterwards....

How to Cure Chronic Fatigue Syndrome

I suffered for years from Chronic Fatigue Syndrome.

I tried everything to get well from modern medicine to natural medicine but everything failed. Even doctors told me that there was no cure and that I just had to learn to live with it but...... 

Free Report-What doctors wont tell you about Chronic fatigue Syndrome.

Free Report-My unusual story of how i overcame Chronic fatigue syndrome (Its not how you think).

Free Report-Discover the true root cause of chronic fatigue syndrome (This is unknown knowledge in the west).

Free Report

Hidden Dangers From Poison Oak, Ivy & Sumac Plants

Poison ivy, oak, or sumac is found in every state except Alaska and Hawaii.

The invisible oily resin called urushiol causes the ill effects of these poisonous plants.

After making contact, the reaction (called dermatitis) may include a rash followed by bumps and blisters that itch. Scratching does not spread the outbreak but may cause infection because it allows bacteria from dirt on the hands to enter the skin.

Read article for Treatments and Health Alerts for you and your pets. Read Article

5 Secret Tibetan Exercises To Tone Your Muscles And Gain Energy

The Five Rites produce remarkable mental and physical rejuvenation within a month. So much so, in fact, that one gains new hope and enthusiasm with which to carry on. However, the greatest results come after the tenth week. When you stop to consider that the average man has endured his afflictions from 30 to 50 years, to obtain such amazing results in such a short time as ten weeks sounds almost miraculous.

Most Important: The information given in The Eye of Revelation was, for twenty-five centuries, confined strictly to men. Now, to the surprise and delight of all concerned, it has been found that women, too, get equally beneficial and amazing results. Now, after this long period of waiting... More Info

Innovative Therapies for ADD, ADHD, LD

It is estimated that over 5% of all children in North America are experiencing at least one form of attention deficit disorder. Both ADD and ADHD are characterized by one or more of the following: inattention, hyperactivity, and impulsivity. Learning disabilities are characterized by one or more difficulties associated with attention, reading, writing, oral language, reasoning, memorizing, and problem solving.

The ability to produce the right states, especially those associated with focus and attention is paramount to be able to perform a variety of cognitive tasks such as listening, learning and processing information, in general. In addition, the ability to shift from one state to... Read Article

Reiki Practitioners Directory

Search online for over 200 Reiki Practitioners in the USA and International.

A scientific method which Practitioners use light hand placements to activate and balance the life-force energy (also known as chi ["chee"] or prana]. Reiki can be used to treat emotional and mental distress as well as chronic and acute physical pain. Find A Reiki Practitioner

Simple Home Test For Candida

If you have an ongoing immune problem, it is very possible that you have an overgrowth of Candida.

Some symptoms of Candida are: a good deal of fatigue and problems with concentration and short-term memory. You may experience flu-like symptoms such as pain in the joints and muscle.

Simple Home Test For Candida

First thing in the morning, before you put ANYTHING in your mouth, fill a clear glass with... Read Article

Mosquitoes? No Itch, No Bite

No one wants to be bitten, especially with the threat of West Nile and other diseases. But what can you do?

Knowing what draws the mosquito to its host and what you can do to lessen being bitten can make your summertime outings and barbeques that much more enjoyable.

Here are [five] some of the things that can attract the mosquito to you:

1) Dark clothes and flowery prints attract mosquitoes. When you go out, wear...

2) Sweet smelling perfumes, hair sprays and... (more)

3) Read Article

A Natural Body Detox Can Dramatically Improve Your Health

Detoxification therapy is a completely natural and necessary process to get you healthy and feeling your best! If you've never done an official detox program, you are long overdue for a cleansing experience that will renew your energy, reduce food cravings, improve your metabolism, give you radiant skin, better your sleep, and strengthen your immune system.

Why detox?

The primary cause of disease is the accumulation of waste and toxins, which are not eliminated from our body. Some symptoms of toxicity include headaches, fatigue, skin problems, frequent colds, aching joints, cravings, digestive problems, allergies, and sensitivity to smells or chemicals. Given the right herbs, nourishment, and some rest, your body has the power to heal itself and return to a renewed state, functioning more efficiently than ever before.

What's the best way to get started?

First, if you have any medical condition, check with your doctor to find out if doing a detox cleanse is safe for you. There are a few levels of detoxification ranging from... Read Article

Treating Painful Diabetic Peripheral Neuropathy

Burning, numbness, tingling, hot and cold sensations, shooting and electrical pain are common sensations felt at rest in painful peripheral neuropathy. Neuropathy is an abnormality of the nervous system. There are many different types of neuropathy, but the most common neuropathy effecting diabetics is peripheral neuropathy. Diabetic neuropathy is described as a loss of sensation that starts in the tips of the toes and gradually works its way up the legs, and in severe case into the hands. It is sometimes referred to as a stocking glove neuropathy because it progresses as if one was pulling on a stocking.

There are many treatments to help decrease the pain associated with the neuropathy. Your doctor may prescribe medications to help with the pain. There are many options... Read Article

Event-The Akashic Field Lecture

Date of Event: 07/17/2005
Number of Days: 1
Title of Event: The Akashic Field Lecture
City of Event: West Hollywood
State of Event: California
Location of Event: Bodhi Tree Bookstore
Country of Event: United States
Description of Event: Imagine an inter-connected network of energy pathways that store every single thought, word and action from all of your life experiences. What information would it reveal about your life now? What would you do if you could access it and rewrite your own history and future by accessing this tremendous field of energy? Explore this topic and learn what this scientific and spiritual discovery means for you. $25.00 fee for lecture from 7-9 pm

Prostate Cancer-The AMAS Test

With all the media talk about prostate surgery vs. taking drugs for prostate problems, you would think those are your only two options.

Are you aware that you can avoid surgery and drugs with proper testing in the first place?

Better testing leads to more accurate information and a better diagnosis about the health of your prostate. And one of the keys is early detection with the RIGHT tests.

The conclusions of this 4 year study revealed that an isolated PSA screening with an elevated level should be followed with an additional screening several weeks later before proceeding with further testing or a biopsy.

Because the problem with a single PSA test is... Read Article

Sunburn: Five Natural Home Remedies to Ease the Pain

Unless the symptoms are severe, (in which instance you may need to consider medical treatment), here are 5 simple home remedies that will cost you next to nothing, and which will assist in soothing the sting and pain of sunburn:

1. Cool baths - Soaking in a cool * bath is... Add to bath water... (more)

2. Rubbing alcohol - Because it evaporates so quickly, dabbing on... (more)

3. Vinegar - Vinegar is an effective and cooling treatment for... (more)

Continues with 4 and 5 Read Article

Lycopene Effective with Prostate Cancer Treatment

Prostate cancer is the most common cancer found in men over the age of 50 years, with more than 200,000 new cases each year in the United States. Prostate cancer is generally slow growing and may not cause any symptoms until late in the disease. Symptoms may include frequent or painful urination, dribbling after urination, sensation of incomplete emptying of the bladder, or blood in the urine.

In the new study, 54 men with advanced prostate cancer were randomly assigned to have surgical removal of the testicles (orchidectomy) alone or orchidectomy plus oral supplementation with 4 mg of lycopene a day. Measurements of PSA (a blood marker of prostate cancer activity), bone scans, and urinary flow were taken initially and every three months for two years. Men receiving lycopene started on the day of their surgery. After six months, PSA had... Read Article


Broadcast Dates in the Los Angeles, Calif area and avaiable on VHS tape

On COMCAST (throughout much of LA)

July 11 - 9:30 pm "Expanding Your Creativity (guest, graphic designer & artist Diane Curran)

July 18 - 9:30 pm - "Having Greater Confidence & Prosperity (guest, Registered Dietician Anita Patil)

July 25 - 9:30 pm "Expanding Your Star Quality (guest, actress Kavita Patil)

Aug. 1 - 9:30 pm "Beautiful You In A Beautiful Body Series Managing Your Weight Part 2 (guest coach Morgana Rae)

Check online for other areas, dates and VHS tapes with your host JOYCE KENYON Authorized Instructor and Seventh Degree Initiate of The Radiance Technique® and of Authentic Reiki® Master

Exercise boosts sex life in men with heart failure

The results may be good news for some men with erectile dysfunction, because Viagra and other similar impotence drugs can have dangerous interactions with medications commonly prescribed to treat heart failure.

Research has shown that exercise can improve blood-vessel function, so Belardinelli's team set out to see whether moderate physical activity could improve symptoms of heart failure and boost sexual function.

The study included 59 men with... Read Article

Wed Nite Live-Standing in Your Power

Date: July 6
Time: 7-8pm
Location: Granada Hills, CA

How many times have we heard othrs say to us that we are giving up our power?

How does it feel to be in a place of owning our power?

Join us at...
Granada Hills Church of Relegious Science
17622 Chatsworth Street
Granada Hills, CA 91344

* Wednesday Night Live is ongoing every Wednesday with a new topic about healing, personal growth and more.

Fibromyalgia and Insulin Resistance

Do you have symptoms that relate to an insulin imbalance? If you have fibromyalgia, look and see if you also have hypoglycemia, insulin resistance, or diabetes symptoms. These types of blood sugar imbalances can cause fibromyalgia pain to get worse. Blood sugar imbalances cause insulin absorption problems that can affect your health especially if you have fibromyalgia.

Reactive hypoglycemia, the first stage of blood sugar imbalance, occurs two to three hours after eating a high carbohydrate breakfast or lunch. Symptoms of reactive hypoglycemia are shakiness or tingling, pounding heartbeats, perspiring, and concentration problems. These symptoms occur because excess insulin causes adrenalin to be released. Read Article

Integrating Western Medicine with Alternative Medicine

I think it's very confusing for patients to decide what the best roles are for Western medicine and alternative medicine.

The name alternative medicine makes it sound like these therapies should be used instead of Western medicine. But this really isn't the case. Hardly anyone ignores Western medicine and just focuses on alternative medicine.

My own approach can be summarized in four principles:

Use the safest, cheapest, effective remedy first.
Use alternative medicine for chronic or lifestyle ailments.
Use alternative medicine for prevention.
Use Western medicine for... Read Article

Tell the Truth, Faster on KXAM Radio

Join Suart Altschuler, MFT every Saturday Afternoon at 1-2 PM, PST and Arizona Time on KXAM AM 1310 Phoenix, AZ

OR KXAM Webcast

Visit Tell the Truth, Faster for each weeks topic.


During the program, Stuart will explore ways to help you towards improving your life…by identifying the truth about who you are and accessing the courage to change and grow.

So tune in each week to Tell the Truth, Faster! for information and conversation on topics of personal interest and community relevance.  Enlightenment, growth, and intrigue are the goals of the show. 
Visit Tell the Truth, Faster

Ayurvedic-Hypertension (High Blood Pressure)

Hypertension causes heart attacks, strokes, kidney failures and other disorder if it is neglected and remains untreated. In many cases, hypertension does not cause any symptoms until it causes complications such as heart attack and stroke and plays a role of silent killer in the body.

Treatment is based on bringing these imbalances back to normal. In the treatment of hypertension; nutrition, exercise, breathing exercises (Pranayama), yoga, meditation, behavioral modification along with various herbs and minerals are prescribed. Read Article

Suffering from Bloating or Stomach Problems

After a host of incorrect diagnoses, Rosenblum finally found out what was behind her troubles-celiac disease, a condition that is estimated to afflict 1.5 million people nationwide. Also know as celiac sprue or gluten sensitivity enteropathy, celiac disease is a lifelong digestive disorder caused by the body's reaction to gluten, a substance found primarily in wheat products.

The symptoms of the auto immune disease can vary greatly; they may include severe diarrhea, weight loss, abdominal pain, gas and bloating. But whether the symptoms are mild or intense, bodily damage is... Read Article

Innovative Therapies for ADD, ADHD, LD

It is estimated that over 5% of all children in North America are experiencing at least one form of attention deficit disorder.

The question of whether or not attention deficit disorders can be remedied has received significant attention from many researchers. Treating children and adolescents with stimulants (for instance Ritalin), has proven to be helpful but is limited by side effects and tolerance. The introduction of Neurofeedback (also known as EEG Biofeedback), has offered new hope for parents wanting to help resolve the attention related problems of their children without the use of medication. Neurofeedback research has shown that training brain wave patterns can remedy cognitive impairment associated with... Read Article

Is The Heat On? Maybe You're Having A Hot Flash!

Hot flashes are characterized by a sudden feeling of heat often accompanied with a reddening of the face and profuse sweating. For some, it is as mild as a brief warm flushing of the face and skin. For others, it is experienced as an intense heat on the face and upper body with intense sweating. Sometimes hot flashes are also accompanied by an increased heart rate, nausea, dizziness, anxiety, weakness or a feel of suffocation.

Physiologically speaking, hot flashes are... Read Article

Mi Essence Certified Organics

Certified Organic Skin, Body, Hair, Oral and Health Care Products
Skin Care
Hair Care
Body Care

The world's FIRST extensive range of certified organic skin, body, hair, oral & health care products - certified by Australian Certified Organic (ACO) and the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) to the highest international food standards. MORE INFO

The Feng Shui Advantage

FACT: Only 5% of all Feng Shui experts have the knowledge necessary to determine all nine of your personal 15-degree directions, including your:

* Prosperity Door
* Consuming Door
* Valued Friends Door
* Injury Door
* Robbery Door
* Creative (right brain)
* Analytical (left brain)
* Luck / Romance
* Lonely Pillow

Wouldn’t you like to know how to avoid the influences of your ‘Consuming Door’ and your ‘Lonely Pillow’ directions?

Region: National
Testimonial: P. K. is a highly trained and skilled professional who is dedicated to serving her clients. Lee Kuntz,
Phone: (626)288-1669


EVENT DATE 6/25/2005 get more info

Los Angeles California
Franklin Park (near Coldwater Canyon & Mulholland
Please join us at The International Day of Radiant Peace Celebration
We will meet in the main parking area at 11:45am and begin our GROUP MEDITATION at High Noon by the little duck pond. FREE DRAWINGS for prizes & Radiant Hands-on Sessions. Everyone gets something Radiantly Valuable!
R.S.V.P. to Joyce Kenyon - 310-285-3817 or 323-822-1879

Events Online

Holistic Web Directory Events Calendar
More Info

Chronic Fatigue Syndrome Treatment

Free Chronic Fatigue Mini Course

I was feeling so weak I couldn't even lift my hand or say a sound. I suffered for years from the following Chronic Fatigue Syndrome Symptoms:

* Bedridden weakness and exhaustion
* Extreme fatigue
* Mind numbing brain fog
* Severe nerve pain
* Chronic abdominal bloating
* Temperature problems
* Muscle fatigue and numbness
* Insomnia
* Chronic indigestion
* Memory loss
* Anxiety
* Joint pain

I tried everything to get well from modern medicine to natural medicine but everything failed. Even doctors told me that there was no cure and that I just had to learn to live with it but......

Free Mini Course

Click-Here Now: Tell Me More!

How Your Symptoms Stop Healing

How Your Symptoms Stop Healing By Wayne McDonald

Almost everybody I know has unconsciously (without knowing and without blame) has created physical symptoms as a result of misdirected thinking.

There is an old expression many of us have said from time to time… "I can’t deal with this now, so I will put it behind me." Well, guess what? Where do these words go? They go into your body – your back, your muscles, or various other places.

The following case studies are actual clients I have worked with, or other associates of mine have worked with.


Bill is in his late 50’s and came to me for a regular massage. He said everything was ok for a man of his age and he wanted a relaxing massage.

After the session Bill was in tears. I asked him if everything was ok. He said, "This is the first time I have been out of body pain in 10 years." His tears were tears of joy and a release of a lot of "stuff" that was just stored in the body.

I explained to Bill those moments in our life that we are not willing to look at and just "Put behind me" goes into our body. If someone passes away and we do not deal with the loss and the grief, it gets stored when we are ready to release it. Every unhappy relationship, divorce, breakup or personal dealing of people can get trapped into the body.

In the next three months I worked with Bill every other week. Bill told me after our three months of sessions that he had reduced his medications by half; changed from being retired to semi-retired and was working part-time (Because he was now out of pain); and he was dating again.


One day George asked Alice if she would walk with him over to Mark’s (a neighbor down the street). Alice did not like Mark, but didn’t want to say that to her husband George. Instead she said, "I don’t feel much like walking today."

Since Mark and George were good friends, George went often to visit Mark. Each time he would ask his wife and the reply was usually the same. Alice would say "My legs are hurting and I don’t feel like walking".

Overtime, George and Alice both forgot that Alice COULD walk. Alice developed arthritis in the knees and legs and became bed ridden.

I do not know the conclusion of Alice, but it is important to know that words have power. Our choices of words can manifest any health condition. If Alice went to a health professional, her health condition could have been reduced or eliminated.

These two case studies are real examples for you to know that it is possible to move from a place of physical symptoms to a place of healing. I hope from these examples you will take a moment and ask yourself, "Am I ready to release my symptoms and to be open to healing?"

Make a call today to someone in the holistic health field trained in complementary therapies: acupuncture, naturopath, massage, homeopathy, medical intuitive and other modalities. Start your search today at and search for your health condition.

Copyright © 2005 Wayne McDonald. All rights reserved.

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Ten Powerful Keys to Healing Yourself

Top 10 Powerful Keys to Healing Yourself By Wayne McDonald, CMT

1. Be Present
Live in the now. The past is gone. You can never go back and make it right. You can never re-live a life that was yesterday. Live positively in the present moment, no matter what is occurring. It is All right and perfect. Do not look ahead and dread what may come. Our mind creates a lot of chatter and makes us afraid in order to keep us safe. Tell your mind "Thanks for sharing" and affirm "I am here, I am present". You are always at choice and you know how to make this day beautiful.

2. Nature
Sit on the lawn or next to a tree. Feel the pulse of the earth, the grandeur of the sky, the coolness of the breeze on your face, or the warmth of the sun on your face. Smile at nature, say hello to the bugs and all the animals you meet. Take a walk in a park or hike on a trail.

3. Exercise
Daily exercise gives you a break from your mind chatter, helps pump your heart, circulates your blood, clears toxins from your body, charges you with energy and has many other benefits. Choose an activity that is fun and mix it up. Do walking one day and yoga another day. Take a Tai Chi class and meet new people. The list of possibilities is endless.

4. Spirituality
Recognize and know you are important and unique. Meditate, or sit quietly, and be in the moment. Read books that are uplifting and have positive messages. Give thanks for your health, your home, your friends, all the joy and happiness in your life and all the good that surrounds you.

5. Forgiveness
It is time to let it go. Forgive all parts of yourself to be whole and perfect. Forgive yourself for any past mistakes or shortcomings; forgive the child within for being afraid; forgive the teenager that spoke words of anger; forgive the young adult for not being a risk taker. Forgive others in the past. Forgive your parents, your siblings and relatives. Let go of all grudges. Forgiveness is about coming to peace within yourself.

6. Bubble Bath
Give yourself permission to relax and savor quiet times. Read a book for fun. Spend that extra money and get a massage or a facial. Do something selfish for yourself.

7. Nutrition
Listen to your body. Feed it good nutritious food. Take a high quality multi-vitamin or a liquid supplement. Most health challenges can be reduced or eliminated with a dietary supplement.

8. Let Go of Judgment
Give up judgement and give up blame. Never speak critically of others or yourself. Speak words of encouragement to yourself and everyone you meet. Accept everyone for who they are and embrace their differences.

9. Service To Others
Reach out and lend a hand to a friend in need. Offer unconditional service to others. Be a great listener and really listen to people when they speak. Find ways to help others to lift their spirits and help lessen their burdens.

10. Love
Love yourself and use positive words of encouragement. Compliment strangers and make others smile. Speak from a loving heart and shine with joy.

Copyright © 2005 Wayne McDonald. All rights reserved.

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