How Your Symptoms Stop Healing

How Your Symptoms Stop Healing By Wayne McDonald

Almost everybody I know has unconsciously (without knowing and without blame) has created physical symptoms as a result of misdirected thinking.

There is an old expression many of us have said from time to time… "I can’t deal with this now, so I will put it behind me." Well, guess what? Where do these words go? They go into your body – your back, your muscles, or various other places.

The following case studies are actual clients I have worked with, or other associates of mine have worked with.


Bill is in his late 50’s and came to me for a regular massage. He said everything was ok for a man of his age and he wanted a relaxing massage.

After the session Bill was in tears. I asked him if everything was ok. He said, "This is the first time I have been out of body pain in 10 years." His tears were tears of joy and a release of a lot of "stuff" that was just stored in the body.

I explained to Bill those moments in our life that we are not willing to look at and just "Put behind me" goes into our body. If someone passes away and we do not deal with the loss and the grief, it gets stored when we are ready to release it. Every unhappy relationship, divorce, breakup or personal dealing of people can get trapped into the body.

In the next three months I worked with Bill every other week. Bill told me after our three months of sessions that he had reduced his medications by half; changed from being retired to semi-retired and was working part-time (Because he was now out of pain); and he was dating again.


One day George asked Alice if she would walk with him over to Mark’s (a neighbor down the street). Alice did not like Mark, but didn’t want to say that to her husband George. Instead she said, "I don’t feel much like walking today."

Since Mark and George were good friends, George went often to visit Mark. Each time he would ask his wife and the reply was usually the same. Alice would say "My legs are hurting and I don’t feel like walking".

Overtime, George and Alice both forgot that Alice COULD walk. Alice developed arthritis in the knees and legs and became bed ridden.

I do not know the conclusion of Alice, but it is important to know that words have power. Our choices of words can manifest any health condition. If Alice went to a health professional, her health condition could have been reduced or eliminated.

These two case studies are real examples for you to know that it is possible to move from a place of physical symptoms to a place of healing. I hope from these examples you will take a moment and ask yourself, "Am I ready to release my symptoms and to be open to healing?"

Make a call today to someone in the holistic health field trained in complementary therapies: acupuncture, naturopath, massage, homeopathy, medical intuitive and other modalities. Start your search today at and search for your health condition.

Copyright © 2005 Wayne McDonald. All rights reserved.

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Ten Powerful Keys to Healing Yourself

Top 10 Powerful Keys to Healing Yourself By Wayne McDonald, CMT

1. Be Present
Live in the now. The past is gone. You can never go back and make it right. You can never re-live a life that was yesterday. Live positively in the present moment, no matter what is occurring. It is All right and perfect. Do not look ahead and dread what may come. Our mind creates a lot of chatter and makes us afraid in order to keep us safe. Tell your mind "Thanks for sharing" and affirm "I am here, I am present". You are always at choice and you know how to make this day beautiful.

2. Nature
Sit on the lawn or next to a tree. Feel the pulse of the earth, the grandeur of the sky, the coolness of the breeze on your face, or the warmth of the sun on your face. Smile at nature, say hello to the bugs and all the animals you meet. Take a walk in a park or hike on a trail.

3. Exercise
Daily exercise gives you a break from your mind chatter, helps pump your heart, circulates your blood, clears toxins from your body, charges you with energy and has many other benefits. Choose an activity that is fun and mix it up. Do walking one day and yoga another day. Take a Tai Chi class and meet new people. The list of possibilities is endless.

4. Spirituality
Recognize and know you are important and unique. Meditate, or sit quietly, and be in the moment. Read books that are uplifting and have positive messages. Give thanks for your health, your home, your friends, all the joy and happiness in your life and all the good that surrounds you.

5. Forgiveness
It is time to let it go. Forgive all parts of yourself to be whole and perfect. Forgive yourself for any past mistakes or shortcomings; forgive the child within for being afraid; forgive the teenager that spoke words of anger; forgive the young adult for not being a risk taker. Forgive others in the past. Forgive your parents, your siblings and relatives. Let go of all grudges. Forgiveness is about coming to peace within yourself.

6. Bubble Bath
Give yourself permission to relax and savor quiet times. Read a book for fun. Spend that extra money and get a massage or a facial. Do something selfish for yourself.

7. Nutrition
Listen to your body. Feed it good nutritious food. Take a high quality multi-vitamin or a liquid supplement. Most health challenges can be reduced or eliminated with a dietary supplement.

8. Let Go of Judgment
Give up judgement and give up blame. Never speak critically of others or yourself. Speak words of encouragement to yourself and everyone you meet. Accept everyone for who they are and embrace their differences.

9. Service To Others
Reach out and lend a hand to a friend in need. Offer unconditional service to others. Be a great listener and really listen to people when they speak. Find ways to help others to lift their spirits and help lessen their burdens.

10. Love
Love yourself and use positive words of encouragement. Compliment strangers and make others smile. Speak from a loving heart and shine with joy.

Copyright © 2005 Wayne McDonald. All rights reserved.

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