Six Simple Truths About Dieting

The best diet plan for you will most likely be one that includes foods you like to eat, and even allows you to "binge" a little once in awhile.

Six Things To Remember

And in three short weeks you'll be on your way to a new you. And a year from now, you'll be healthier and happier than you ever have been. And no one will ever remember that you were overweight.

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Combating Jet Lag

Air travel, shift work and space travel are modem activities that profoundly disturb the body's inner biological or "circadian" clock, giving rise to several minor (and in some cases serious) health problems.

Experiments have shown that without external time cues -- such as bedtime, mealtimes, work deadlines -- the body clock runs slow, at cycles of about 25 hours.

Many remedies have been proposed for combating jet lag, including special diets, various drugs, exposure to very bright light and, most recently... (more)

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Shingles Natural Treatment

In the past ten years recent studies and research with alternative treatments for shingles has shown it is possible to recover in less than one week and to reduce outbreaks of lesions and pain in three days.

Some doctors prescribe steroids or itch-relieving creams that contains steroids. Recent studies question the effectiveness of steroids in relieving shingles and suggest avoiding any treatment with steroids. Monitoring by your doctor is recommended, if steroids have been... (more)

Natural Remedies For Shingles

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Understanding Breast Cancer

In the US, breast cancer is the leading cause of death in women between the ages of 30 and 50. Rarely diagnosed before a woman reaches 25, the number of incidents rises with age, peaking at menopause and decreasing once menopause had passed.

Recommendations For Wellness

Do monthly breast self-examination. If you dont know...

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