Hidden Dangers From Poison Oak, Ivy & Sumac Plants

Poison ivy, oak, or sumac is found in every state except Alaska and Hawaii.

The invisible oily resin called urushiol causes the ill effects of these poisonous plants.

After making contact, the reaction (called dermatitis) may include a rash followed by bumps and blisters that itch. Scratching does not spread the outbreak but may cause infection because it allows bacteria from dirt on the hands to enter the skin.

Read article for Treatments and Health Alerts for you and your pets. Read Article

5 Secret Tibetan Exercises To Tone Your Muscles And Gain Energy

The Five Rites produce remarkable mental and physical rejuvenation within a month. So much so, in fact, that one gains new hope and enthusiasm with which to carry on. However, the greatest results come after the tenth week. When you stop to consider that the average man has endured his afflictions from 30 to 50 years, to obtain such amazing results in such a short time as ten weeks sounds almost miraculous.

Most Important: The information given in The Eye of Revelation was, for twenty-five centuries, confined strictly to men. Now, to the surprise and delight of all concerned, it has been found that women, too, get equally beneficial and amazing results. Now, after this long period of waiting... More Info

Innovative Therapies for ADD, ADHD, LD

It is estimated that over 5% of all children in North America are experiencing at least one form of attention deficit disorder. Both ADD and ADHD are characterized by one or more of the following: inattention, hyperactivity, and impulsivity. Learning disabilities are characterized by one or more difficulties associated with attention, reading, writing, oral language, reasoning, memorizing, and problem solving.

The ability to produce the right states, especially those associated with focus and attention is paramount to be able to perform a variety of cognitive tasks such as listening, learning and processing information, in general. In addition, the ability to shift from one state to... Read Article