Immunity Plus - Effective Immune System Support

The immune system is an amazingly intricate and complex system that keeps us healthy and protects us against all sorts of invaders including viruses, bacteria, microbes, parasites and toxins.

Like with many things, we often don’t notice or think about our immune system until something goes wrong with it. A healthy immune system helps to ensure systemic health and protection! And the first line of defense in any fight is to maintain structural integrity – which means taking steps to ensure a supported, healthy immune system.

The natural way

There has been an increase in people trying to find natural immune system support. Herbal and homeopathic remedies have been used in traditional medicine for thousands of years to support immune system functioning, acting as natural immunity tonics to keep us healthy and support and maintain overall systemic functioning.

In more recent times, research has confirmed this traditional wisdom. There are now many published clinical studies demonstrating the ability of a range of herbs to support natural immunity as well as the normal and healthy functioning of the immune system.

Yoga for Sciatica and a Stress Free State of Mind

Yoga is one of the six traditional philosophical schools that originate from India. Yogic postures form a part of this philosophical system for purification of the mind, body and spirit. Terming yoga as only an exercise regimen is a misnomer. It focuses equally on the body and the mind - a stress-free state of mind and a physically fit body is intended to achieve the ultimate goal of a blissful union with the Unknown.

Yoga has five major branches and what we know as yoga is actually just one branch of yoga that focuses on the physical and the vital energy aspect via postures and breathing exercises. Yogic postures are well-defined and different postures work upon different body parts and organs. Some of them are specifically meant for sciatic pain.

Sciatica is a symptom that arises due to a compression of the sciatic nerve. The compression can be caused by various conditions like aging, degeneration or an injury. Sciatica, the longest nerve in the human body can suffer compression at its five roots that exit from the lower back or along its route down to the legs via the buttocks.

Yogic postures meant for sciatica have three major categories:

* Standard poses (Performed while standing, some of which need extra strength and focus for balancing the body)
* Inversions (Head stand and shoulder stand)
* Sitting postures

Almost all yogic postures are accompanied by breathing instructions; inhaling and exhaling at the right time is critical. It is not the subject matter of this article to list all the postures and how to achieve them. Suffice it to say that almost all the yogic postures attempt to provide relief from sciatica by:

* Stretching and massaging the back and hips
* Strengthening abdominal muscles and massaging abdominal organs
* Providing healthy elasticity to arms, legs, lower and upper back
* Massaging the sacrum and hips
* Stretching hamstrings, thighs, the piriformis muscles and hip flexors
* Improving the circulation of blood
* Making the spine more pliant and flexible
* Improving postural faults

The major causes behind sciatica are disc-related conditions. Some of the non-disc related conditions like a pinched nerve can also occur due to strangulation by the piriformis muscle. The pain caused by either of the conditions can lead to excruciating sciatica pain. Yoga can greatly influence all these factors and much more.

While performing yogic postures, the emphasis is on the body’s level of tolerance. This is important for sciatica patients as well as normal individuals who want to benefit from the therapy to avoid sciatica. Initially, yoga appears to be a difficult therapy but persistence normally helps in achieving the ultimate goal. All yoga instructors stress on this factor, and they can gradually guide you to attaining the prefect posture for the recommended period of time.

Yoga as a holistic sciatica alternative remedy is a useful therapy for prevention and for managing sciatica pain. Regular yoga helps, not only in avoiding sciatic nerve treatment but also helps in relieving tensions of daily life. Stress is a major factor behind many diseases. The physical is only one part of yoga. It places equal emphasis on mental health and achieving inner peace.

OTC Treatment for Pinched Nerve and Preventive Measures

All back pain is not sciatica; nor is all sciatica-like pain in the lower back, buttocks and legs caused by a herniated disc. Too much attention is paid to serious sounding names of diseases and most of us tend to associate even ‘similar’ symptoms to them.

Sciatica is popularly known to be a symptom of a disc problem. Tenderness, tingling, pins and needles, numbness or a burning sensation in a limb is commonly associated with sciatica. Even though some people are quick to jump to such conclusions, it is not necessary that such kind of pain means a problem with your spine.

Sciatica-like pain or pseudo sciatica produces similar symptoms. It is often caused due to a pinched nerve and does not necessarily mean that you have to rush for a sciatic nerve treatment that involves prescription drugs. A pinched nerve is the result of compression, tightening or stretching of a nerve. Nerves like the radial, ulnar, femoral and sciatic that pass over bones are more vulnerable.

Most of the time, such sciatica-like pain can be treated with simple remedies that can be acquired over-the-counter. These include sciatica alternative remedies that are also worth trying in such cases. The most recommended treatment is to give the body and specifically the damaged area some rest. You can do so by modifying your activities to avoid those that cause or aggravate compression of the affected nerve. Try some muscle strengthening and stretching exercises to work on the affected area to relieve the compression.

Sometimes the area affected is highly mobile even during sleep. Wearing a splint or a brace on wrists or ankles during the day as well as while sleep will immobilize those parts and provide the much needed relief.

Homeopathic remedies form an integral part of any OTC treatment. Rhus tox, if the pain gets better on applying warmth and Arnica, if it follows an injury are among the most common homeopathic remedies for pain caused by a pinched nerve. Herbal tea made of equal parts of St. John’s Wort, Siberian Ginseng and Skullcap will also ease pain equally well.

Rather than exposing and increasing your vulnerability to the condition, it is much better to take preventive measures.

1. Good posture is a precondition for avoiding a pinched nerve.
2. Pick heavy objects properly – bend your knees and not your back.
3. Avoid sitting in the same position for long periods.
4. If you have a sitting job, invest in an ergonomic chair or take a break every now and then to give rest to tensed muscles.
5. Make exercise a part of your daily routine.
6. Avoid putting on excess weight.
7. Include lecithin in your diet; it can help to regenerate nerves.

On the face of it, a pinched nerve is a minor condition, but it can sometimes lead to other conditions like peripheral neuropathy, carpal tunnel syndrome and tennis elbow. It is imperative that the cause of pain be determined as these conditions may cause a permanent disability if not addressed to in time.

Learn More about SciatiGon™ - Promotes sciatic nerve comfort and health. To soothe the sciatic nerve

20 New Native Remedies Products Released!

Native Remedies has introduced 20 additional products to its extensive line of proven and trusted natural remedies!

Acid Free-Flux Homeopathic remedy

#1-Acid Free-Flux Temporarily:
* Relieves acute acid reflux after eating
* Alleviates burning and indigestion
* Reduces digestive discomfort
* Soothes lining of the stomach and esophagus
Acid Free-Flux

Anal Itch Assist Homeopathic remedy

#2-Anal Itch Assist Temporarily:
* Relieves anal itching and burning from the inside out
* Keeps delicate tissues and membranes healthy
Anal Itch Assist

Anger-Soothe Homeopathic remedy

#3-Anger-Soothe Temporarily:
* Reduces feelings of frustration and discontent
* Relieves nighttime tension, including night terrors and sleep talking
* Reduces angry emotions and is especially suited for stressed, workaholic personalities
Get more info on Anger-Soothe - Homeopathic remedy temporarily reduces anger and irritability, plus prevents temper outbursts

Conjunct-a-Clear Homeopathic remedy

#4-Conjunct-a-Clear Temporarily:
* Soothes irritated eyes
* Relieves itchiness
* Reduces bloodshot appearance
* Reduces gummy eye discharge

Conjunct-a-Clear Wash Homeopathic eyewash

#5-Conjunct-a-Clear Wash Temporarily:
* Relieves irritation and cleanses the eye
* Alleviates itchiness and sticky discharge
* Soothes sore, tired and strained eyes
* Brightens eyes to reduce bloodshot appearance
* Removes dust or microscopic debris from the eye
Conjunct-a-Clear Wash


#6-FemaLube Benefits:
* Provides everyday lubricating comfort
* Helps maintain vaginal tone and elasticity
* Perfect for sexual activity

Gout-Gone Homeopathic remedy

#7-Gout-Gone Temporarily:
* Relieves gout symptoms
* Relieves acute burning pains in joints
* Relieves swelling and inflammation, especially in toes and small joints
* Assists the body in reducing uric acid build up in joints

HayFever Fighter Homeopathic remedy

#8-HayFever Fighter Temporarily:
* Controls sneezing, coughing and wheezing
* Reduces itchy, watering eyes and nose
* Addresses the stuffy feeling associated with pollen allergies
* Relieves itching and burning sensations in the mouth and throat
HayFever Fighter

Headache Soothe Homeopathic remedy

#9-Headache Soothe Temporarily:
* Relieves acute headaches associated with stress, tension and fatigue
* Alleviates a ‘heavy’ feeling in the head
* Reduces common pounding sensations
* Supports blood circulation and oxygenation for brain and nervous system health
Headache Soothe

InflammaGo Homeopathic remedy

#10-InflammaGo Temporarily:
* Reduces acute pain and stiffness in the joints and muscles
* Relieves inflammation in muscles and joints
* Helps relieve sports injuries, as well as muscle and joint fatigue
* Assists healing after over-exertion and physical stress

Invigorate Skin Tonic

#11-Invigorate Skin Tonic Benefits:
* Rejuvenates and nourishes the skin
* Encourages healthy, youthful skin from the inside out
* Maintains skin tone, clarity and a fresh, healthy look
* Provides high concentration of skin-supporting herbal nutrients
Invigorate Skin Tonic

Leg Cramp Away Homeopathic remedy

#12-Leg Cramp Away Temporarily:
* Relieves acute pain associated with leg cramps
* Relaxes muscle spasms in the legs and calves
* Encourages healthy circulation in the lower limbs
Leg Cramp Away

Mucus-Clear Homeopathic remedy

#13-Mucus-Clear Temporarily:
* Clears stubborn phlegm and throat congestion
* Helps to remove mucus in the throat
* Reduces the need to frequently clear the throat
* Encourages respiratory health

Oral-Assist Homeopathic remedy

#14-Oral-Assist Temporarily:
* Relieves acute pain and throbbing associated with common toothaches
* Supports healing action
* Encourages the body’s immune system
* Promotes bone and tissue structures of the teeth
* Maintains gum tissue and all-round oral health

Pure-n-Fresh Breath Spray

#15-Pure-n-Fresh Breath Spray Benefits:
* Offers a refreshing burst of freshness
* Helps maintain oral hygiene
Pure-n-Fresh Breath Spray

SAD Soother Homeopathic remedy

#16-SAD Soother Temporarily:
* Relieves weather-related sadness
* Calms temperament
* Promotes an easy-going, positive emotional outlook
* Encourages increased energy levels
SAD Soother

Scab-Ease Itch Relief Homeopathic remedy

#17-Scab-Ease Itch Relief Temporarily:
* Relieves acute skin discomfort
* Reduces skin itch and rash
* Alleviates dryness
* Soothes the skin to allow for healing
Scab-Ease Itch Relief

Sweat-Less Homeopathic remedy

#18-Sweat-Less Temporarily:
* Reduces excessive sweating and clamminess
* Balances fluid levels in the body to control perspiration
* Addresses brain and nervous system health to curb emotional triggers of sweating

Tic Tamer Homeopathic remedy

#19-Tic Tamer Temporarily:
* Relieves nervous tics and jerking
* Reduces involuntary muscle spasms
* Promotes a soothing and calming effect
Tic Tamer

Vagi-Soothe Homeopathic remedy

#20-Vagi-Soothe Temporarily:
* Alleviates vaginal itching and burning
* Reduces discharge and odor
* Promotes soothed skin
* Maintains delicate vaginal tissue and membrane health