How to Build a Healthy Immune System Naturally

Your immune system is engaged in a constant battle against invasions of foreign antigens or disease causing pathogens. Immune system health is all about reducing the susceptibility to disease. An unhealthy immune system leads to frequent illnesses.

Pharmaceuticals, especially antibiotics, tend to inflict damage to the immune system through their side effects and inherent toxicity. Conventional medicine focuses on immediate relief and chooses the antibiotic alternative rather too frequently. The patient may show signs of immediate relief but long terms effects of antibiotics are worse than the benefit derived from them. A lot of minor ailments require a wait and watch policy and go away on their own. Homeopathy and herbal antibiotics try to provide long-lasting benefits. The main focus of alternative therapies has been to treat symptoms as body’s responses for self-healing and on strengthening the immune system.

Immune system health is directly dependent upon what we eat, drink, breathe, and wear. The human body is programmed to cleanse toxins naturally but there is a set limit of how much toxins it can process successfully. The present day scenario of overwhelmingly huge amounts of toxins in the environment, in commercial foods as preservatives and in pharmaceuticals has in a way ‘clogged’ the natural cleansing nerve tracts in the body.

Whereas, environmental toxins can be averted only if concerted efforts are made on national levels for a greener world, it is within our capacity to maintain our own bodies if we really want to. Food and drugs form the major proportion of the toxins that we ingest on daily basis.

The body’s ability to fight disease is greatly affected by our dietary habits. The right choice of food can boost your immune system to enable you to combat bacteria efficiently. Fast and processed foods are completely lacking in nutrients. Additionally, the use of microwave oven leaks electro magnetic radiation and converts cooked food into toxins and carcinogens.

Fats and refined foods harm the immune system too. White flour, white sugar, white rice, white potatoes, white salt are all refined and should only be eaten occasionally. Sugar, especially refined sugar, is one of the biggest villains. One spoon of refined sugar can halt the immune system responses for six hours. It is better to ingest home cooked meals that contain plenty of food and vegetables instead of relying on food supplements and commercial foods that many times contain numerous preservatives and additives. In addition look for herbs for the immune system, a staple of the healthy lifestyle that our grandparents led.

Get more info on ImmunityPlus for a Stronger Immune System

Healthy Ways of Dealing with Stress

There are certain unassailable characteristics of existence, and among them, there are two that are fairly common for all. The fact that change is inevitable and that change is likely to cause stress is almost a ‘given’ in life today. Events, circumstances and people that once made us happy can suddenly stop having that magical affect on us after time. Even the happiness that we receive from accomplishing goals, acquiring material possessions, and attaining status in life is temporary. All these aspects are bound to change with time, and events that provided relaxation and happiness themselves at one time can become a source of stress.

Continuous emotional stress can be caused by the manner in which we think and the decisions that we choose to make. Constant stress can incapacitate you, sometimes permanently. It can cause physical and mental disorders including anxiety, gastric problems, back pain, depression, fatigue, tension headaches, weight gain/loss and cardiovascular diseases.

Stress medication, both over-the counter medicines and prescription drugs, although convenient, are not a healthy option. They only provide temporary relief and are also addictive. The basic goal of stress management should be to avoid unnecessary medication and look for natural stress relief measures. Coping with stress and overcoming worry basically involves changing perceptions, attitude and one’s approach to life. It is about seeing seemingly stressful events as challenges rather than threats.

The first and foremost task to accomplish is to stop worrying about things that you have no control over. Why worry about the weather when you know you cannot change it? Why complain, fume and fret about a traffic jam when you know you are already late for work? Similarly, many life situations are not under your control. People act and react according to what they perceive as right. Accept life as it comes to you. Remember, in the end, you are responsible only for your own actions and not for what others do. Accepting that you can only control your actions and not those of others can only lead you to a positive acceptance of the way things are.

Do your best according to your ability and leave the rest to unfold on its own. If some particular thing is bothering you, attend to it first. Make preparations in advance of the event.

If a relationship is turning sour, try your best to resolve the issues frankly. If things do not change despite your attempts, accept the situation and try to see the positive side of the situation. If a spouse refuses to cooperate irrespective of what you try to do to make things better, letting go may be the best option in any case!

Accept change and see how you can convert an apparent threat to a positive challenge. Positive thinking is a habit that you may need to inculcate and nurture. This may need to be done till it becomes second nature to you.

Be realistic when you set goals for yourself. Aspire for only as much that you are capable of achieving.

Exercise regularly. Physical exercise releases the body’s own analgesics that provide mental and physical stress relief. A half-hour walk in the evening will help in digestion and it will make sure that you sleep well and stay relaxed.

In spite of the fact that stress hurts, it is pertinent to understand that constant stress hurts even more. But there is something that we can learn from stress, too. In many cases, the result of a traumatic experience is a changed person, and in most such cases, those changes are usually for the better.

Get more info on PureCalm for Stress and Anxiety

Controlling Anxiety Through Herbs and Diet

The human body is designed to endure a certain amount of anxiety or panic attacks for a defined period of time. However, excessive anxiety on a regular basis can lead to many health problems.

The issue of anxiety disorder is assuming the proportion of an epidemic in the country and according to statistics released by the National Institute of Mental Health anxiety disorders is the most common type of mental illness in the U.S., with approximately 40 million people over the age of 18 affected each year. Nearly seventy five percent of those with an anxiety disorder have their first instance by the age of 21.5.

It is essential that medical intervention be sought at the earliest to avoid long-term harm that extended anxiety can have on the overall health. These days, natural treatments for anxiety are gaining importance, of which diet and herbs form two important pillars.

Diet plays an important role in the treatment of anxiety disorder. It is important to eat a balanced diet and avoiding certain kinds of foods itself can be a treatment. The first thing that you should eliminate from your diet to reduce chances of an anxiety disorder is caffeine. To do this you would need to put a complete restriction on intake of coffee, tea and soft drinks. In case complete restriction is an issues switching over to decaffeinated coffee is a better option.

Clinical research has shown that in many cases, eliminating coffee alone can in itself be a complete solution for anxiety relief. Anxiety disorders are linked to hypoglycemia as well and so those who are prone to low blood sugar levels should ensure that they reduce the consumption of simple sugars and replace them with whole grains.

The addition of proteins to your diet can help in avoiding anxiety attacks. Another anxiety or panic attack treatment that is gaining acceptance with people as well as the medical fraternity is herbal remedies. They essentially provide relaxing and calming effect on the human body. Since some herbal remedies may interact with other prescription drugs, it is advisable that these remedies be tried in consultation with a physician.

Herbs like kava-kava and valerian roots have been used to for quite some time now. Kava, a native to Polynesia, has been used to treat insomnia, anxiety and tension. It has been shown to promote relaxation without affecting mental alertness. Clinically tested Kava has been shown to be effective for the treatment of anxiety disorders using a dose of 300 mg kava extract per day.

The herb Valerian acts as a tranquilizer and is known to calm the nervous system and is best known as a remedy for insomnia. It has also been tested clinically and human trials with Valerian extract having a minimum of 0.8% valerenic acid have been found to be highly effective.

The good news is that it is not habit forming. The other herbs that have been used in treating anxiety disorder, though not tested clinically, are California poppy, Hops, Ashwagandha, Passionflower, Chamomile and Catnip.

Most of the herbal preparations commercially available in the market are usually a combination of two or more herbs.

Get more info on PureCalm for Anxiety and Panic Attacks