Healthy Ways of Dealing with Stress

There are certain unassailable characteristics of existence, and among them, there are two that are fairly common for all. The fact that change is inevitable and that change is likely to cause stress is almost a ‘given’ in life today. Events, circumstances and people that once made us happy can suddenly stop having that magical affect on us after time. Even the happiness that we receive from accomplishing goals, acquiring material possessions, and attaining status in life is temporary. All these aspects are bound to change with time, and events that provided relaxation and happiness themselves at one time can become a source of stress.

Continuous emotional stress can be caused by the manner in which we think and the decisions that we choose to make. Constant stress can incapacitate you, sometimes permanently. It can cause physical and mental disorders including anxiety, gastric problems, back pain, depression, fatigue, tension headaches, weight gain/loss and cardiovascular diseases.

Stress medication, both over-the counter medicines and prescription drugs, although convenient, are not a healthy option. They only provide temporary relief and are also addictive. The basic goal of stress management should be to avoid unnecessary medication and look for natural stress relief measures. Coping with stress and overcoming worry basically involves changing perceptions, attitude and one’s approach to life. It is about seeing seemingly stressful events as challenges rather than threats.

The first and foremost task to accomplish is to stop worrying about things that you have no control over. Why worry about the weather when you know you cannot change it? Why complain, fume and fret about a traffic jam when you know you are already late for work? Similarly, many life situations are not under your control. People act and react according to what they perceive as right. Accept life as it comes to you. Remember, in the end, you are responsible only for your own actions and not for what others do. Accepting that you can only control your actions and not those of others can only lead you to a positive acceptance of the way things are.

Do your best according to your ability and leave the rest to unfold on its own. If some particular thing is bothering you, attend to it first. Make preparations in advance of the event.

If a relationship is turning sour, try your best to resolve the issues frankly. If things do not change despite your attempts, accept the situation and try to see the positive side of the situation. If a spouse refuses to cooperate irrespective of what you try to do to make things better, letting go may be the best option in any case!

Accept change and see how you can convert an apparent threat to a positive challenge. Positive thinking is a habit that you may need to inculcate and nurture. This may need to be done till it becomes second nature to you.

Be realistic when you set goals for yourself. Aspire for only as much that you are capable of achieving.

Exercise regularly. Physical exercise releases the body’s own analgesics that provide mental and physical stress relief. A half-hour walk in the evening will help in digestion and it will make sure that you sleep well and stay relaxed.

In spite of the fact that stress hurts, it is pertinent to understand that constant stress hurts even more. But there is something that we can learn from stress, too. In many cases, the result of a traumatic experience is a changed person, and in most such cases, those changes are usually for the better.

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