On New Years Eve Thursday December 31, 2009 at 10:30am I had a
heart attack. More accurately I should say that I was having a heart attack on Mon-Tue-Wed-Thu.
I want to share with you some of my thoughts and hope that it prompts you to ACTION or possibly to better re-think how you approach life.
Reflecting back I had some clues to my heat attack, but I ignored them. First let me give you a brief background. I am a healthy male 54 years old and weigh 139 pounds. I am not overweight – smoke no - drink no – family history no – exercise --- could do more – healthy diet, low salt, low fat (maybe some cheese when I cook).
The clues, as I mentioned, on Monday I felt achy with no fever – I thought I had the flu or an infection in my lungs.
On Tuesday, I still didn't feel well and decided to go to a doctor. I was calling around to find a doctor that was in their office (By the way, I have been so healthy that my doctor had retired!) A doctor friend of mine said I should go to emergency. I had NO medical insurance and I didn't want to pay a huge medical bill. This was my FIRST CLUE – I had solid advice to go to Emergency and I ignored it. The SECOND CLUE on Tuesday was I felt something was wrong and I was panicked and scared --- Remember to always listen to your intuition, whether it is making a business decision or listening to your body for health reasons.
Now, I did go to Urgent Care on Tuesday --- but I was misdiagnosed and prescribed Amoxicillin for a general infection and ibuprofen.
Ok, so it is Wednesday and I am on medicine thinking that at some time I should start feeling better.
On Thursday I went to breakfast, went to the bank and stopped at Trader Joe's for a few groceries. By the time I got home, I felt worse and the pain had increased to about a 6 or 7 pain level (Standard Pain scale --- [0-no pain] to [10-Excruciating pain]).
I took more ibuprofen and within five minutes I was throwing up. By this time I realized something was wrong - still having no clue it was a heart attack.
My partner drove me to emergency at Cedars-Sinai (five minutes away). I walked in and was evaluated by a nurse and given a EKG - I still had no clue that I had a heart attack.
I was seen immediately by a doctor and had a heart monitor attached and chest xray. I thought I had the flu or a lung infection. The doctor said I had a heart attack and my response was, “REALLY?!”.
My partner was brought in, everything was explained and I was rushed upstairs to have a stent put in the LAD - Left Anterior Descending artery (
stent - model Medtronic Driver RX).
By 1pm I was checked-in and stayed at the hospital til Tuesday January 5, 2010. During this time I was monitored --- blood draws every 8 hours to check my
heart damage markers or cardiac enzymes, vital signs, and
As explained by the doctor, my heart was "stunned" and there was no damage.
Ok, I am home and doing fine. Now the question is what can I do to help or inspire you? The
signs for a heart attack can be so subtle. Some people have a LOT OF PAIN in their chest. Other people may feel they have indigestion. Each person is different AND the
symptoms for woman are even more subtle. I am not a doctor and I am not here to give any medical advice.
Note: There will be more updates of my HEALTHY recovery after my heart attack. Please click-on the category
HEART DISEASE to read all my updates. ~Wayne McDonald, age 54 and 136 pounds - healthy.