5 Surprising ADHD Facts You Must Know About Prescription Drugs for ADHD

Let’s face it. ADHD research shows that the current treatment options for ADHD are far from ideal. Giving children drug cocktails to treat ADHD causes a number of undesirable side effects and doesn’t get to the root of the problem. Psycho-stimulants are the drugs of choice for most psychiatrists but they only treat the symptoms of the problem and not the underlying cause. Moreover, the long term effects of prescription drugs for ADHD treatment have not been determined and the topic is fraught with unanswered questions and controversy.

Here are 5 big reasons why you should think twice about giving your children prescription drugs and consider natural treatment for ADHD:

1. According to ADHD facts, common side effects of taking prescription drugs for ADHD treatment include anxiety, nervousness, headache, dizziness, stomach pain, insomnia, nausea, vomiting, anorexia, and even psychosis. On the other hand, a natural ADHD remedy like homeopathy will alleviate the symptoms without causing any side effects or compromising your child’s health.

2. ADHD medications may be effective in getting rid of the symptoms of ADHD but they can also suppress your child’s personality, based on ADHD research. The medications change the way your child’s brain operates so the ideas, impulses, and creativity that are natural to your child are suppressed. Albert Einstein, Vincent Van Gogh, and Abraham Lincoln are examples of great people in history who coped with ADHD without the help of prescription medication. Natural treatment ADHD treatments enhance your child’s creativity and personality by restoring balance to your child’s overall health using a holistic approach.

3. Studies show that substance abuse problems and prescription drug addiction are far more common in people who took mind-altering drugs like ADHD medications as children. Some ADHD facts you should know are that prescription medications are highly addictive and can cause dependency. In contrast, a natural, homeopathic ADHD remedy is non-addictive and 100% safe.

4. Relying on ADHD medication prescriptions can have a detrimental impact on your family’s finances. According to ADHD research, billions of dollars are spent annually on prescription medications for ADHD in the U.S. alone, which means big business for pharmaceutical companies. Natural treatment for ADHD on the other hand is highly effective and won’t put a dent in your family’s budget.

5. Prescription drugs for ADHD treatment should be a last resort because the long-term effects are unknown. The results of studies thus far are alarming at best. Some recently discovered ADHD facts regarding long-term prescription drug treatment are that it can lead to depression and other psychological issues in adulthood. If you want to holistically treat the symptoms of ADHD in your child without compromising his or her health now and in the future, try using a homeopathic ADHD treatment.

Your next step? Take ADHD research seriously and start looking for natural ADHD treatments rather than give your child prescription drugs. Prescription drugs may alleviate the symptoms of the problem but they are only putting a band-aid on a bigger issue and with potentially serious consequences. Look for a homeopathic remedy for ADHD so you can safely and effectively treat ADHD symptoms like hyperactivity, erratic behavior, and lack of concentration without putting your child’s health in jeopardy.

Wayne McDonald is a health enthusiast who has compiled ADHD research and ADHD Facts. For natural remedies and to find out more about some of the most effective treatments for ADHD visit his site at www.adhd-natural-solutions.com

The Truth About ADHD Prescription Drugs and the Risks to your Child’s Health

Ever wondered how many ADHD prescription drugs are out there? Besides the most common drugs like Ritalin and Adderall, you may be surprised to learn that there are many other prescription drugs that can be effective in treating the symptoms of ADHD. The main drug types used in ADHD treatment are long acting stimulants, short/intermediate acting stimulants, and non-stimulants. But each one comes with potential side effects, some of which can be quite serious.

Prescription medications for ADHD of the long acting stimulant variety include Vyvanse, Adderal XR, Concerta, Daytrana, Focalin XR, Metadate CD, and Ritalin LA. The effects of these long-acting stimulants last for 8-12 hours and as such they only need to be taken once a day. They are useful for children who don’t want to take a dose at school. Adderall XR and Ritalin LA capsules can be opened and sprinkled onto food if your child cannot swallow them. Daytrana comes in the form of a patch that children can wear for a few hours.

Short/intermediate acting ADHD prescription drugs include Ritalin, Dexedrine, Adderall, Dextrostat, and Methylin ER, to name a few. Short/intermediate acting stimulants are older ADHD treatment options that have become less popular than the long acting variety. These medicines must be taken more than once a day because their effects are short-lived. The benefit of short acting Ritalin, Dexedrine and Adderall is that they are available in generic form and are thus less expensive.

The most popular option among non-stimulant prescription medications for ADHD is Strattera. Strattera and other non-stimulants are not used as much as stimulant drugs. Children who also suffer from anxiety in addition to ADHD may benefit from Strattera. Some children take Strattera because they can’t tolerate stimulants due to their side effects or because stimulants simply don’t work for them.

In general, side effects associated with ADHD prescription drugs are the biggest reason why more people are turning to alternative treatment options these days. The side effects of taking stimulants can include headaches, stomachaches, insomnia, eating disorders, social withdrawal, nausea, and vomiting, to name a few. Many parents notice that their children act dull, overly restricted, and zombie-like due to taking stimulants for ADHD.

Non-stimulant prescription medications for ADHD such as Strattera are not without their side effects either. Strattera can cause upset stomach, decreased appetite, nausea, vomiting, dizziness, tiredness, mood swings, and even allergic reactions. If you want to treat the symptoms of ADHD in your child without subjecting them to the discomfort and undesirable side effects that result from taking prescription drugs, you may want to look for a natural, alternative remedy.

The most alarming recent research in regards to the effects of ADHD prescription drugs is the greater risk of depression in adulthood, as well as the greater likelihood of substance abuse problems and prescription drug addiction in adulthood. The immediate side effects of taking these powerful prescription drugs are worrisome as it is but when you consider the detrimental effects in the long run, the idea of giving your child prescription drugs may seem like too great of a risk. Thankfully there are high quality natural remedies that can be quite effective and do not cause any side effects at all.

So there you have it. If you want to alleviate the symptoms associated with ADHD so your child can live a fulfilling, successful life, start learning about alternative ADHD remedies such as homeopathy. The harmful short-term and long-term side effects of ADHD prescription drugs are reason enough to seek out alternative treatment options for your child. Rather than put your child’s health at risk, research alternative treatment methods like homeopathy so you can treat ADHD safely, gently, and effectively.

Wayne McDonald is a health enthusiast who has been researching natural remedies for various health conditions for many years. Find out more about some of the most effective treatments for ADHD on his site at www.adhd-natural-solutions.com