5 Surprising ADHD Facts You Must Know About Prescription Drugs for ADHD

Let’s face it. ADHD research shows that the current treatment options for ADHD are far from ideal. Giving children drug cocktails to treat ADHD causes a number of undesirable side effects and doesn’t get to the root of the problem. Psycho-stimulants are the drugs of choice for most psychiatrists but they only treat the symptoms of the problem and not the underlying cause. Moreover, the long term effects of prescription drugs for ADHD treatment have not been determined and the topic is fraught with unanswered questions and controversy.

Here are 5 big reasons why you should think twice about giving your children prescription drugs and consider natural treatment for ADHD:

1. According to ADHD facts, common side effects of taking prescription drugs for ADHD treatment include anxiety, nervousness, headache, dizziness, stomach pain, insomnia, nausea, vomiting, anorexia, and even psychosis. On the other hand, a natural ADHD remedy like homeopathy will alleviate the symptoms without causing any side effects or compromising your child’s health.

2. ADHD medications may be effective in getting rid of the symptoms of ADHD but they can also suppress your child’s personality, based on ADHD research. The medications change the way your child’s brain operates so the ideas, impulses, and creativity that are natural to your child are suppressed. Albert Einstein, Vincent Van Gogh, and Abraham Lincoln are examples of great people in history who coped with ADHD without the help of prescription medication. Natural treatment ADHD treatments enhance your child’s creativity and personality by restoring balance to your child’s overall health using a holistic approach.

3. Studies show that substance abuse problems and prescription drug addiction are far more common in people who took mind-altering drugs like ADHD medications as children. Some ADHD facts you should know are that prescription medications are highly addictive and can cause dependency. In contrast, a natural, homeopathic ADHD remedy is non-addictive and 100% safe.

4. Relying on ADHD medication prescriptions can have a detrimental impact on your family’s finances. According to ADHD research, billions of dollars are spent annually on prescription medications for ADHD in the U.S. alone, which means big business for pharmaceutical companies. Natural treatment for ADHD on the other hand is highly effective and won’t put a dent in your family’s budget.

5. Prescription drugs for ADHD treatment should be a last resort because the long-term effects are unknown. The results of studies thus far are alarming at best. Some recently discovered ADHD facts regarding long-term prescription drug treatment are that it can lead to depression and other psychological issues in adulthood. If you want to holistically treat the symptoms of ADHD in your child without compromising his or her health now and in the future, try using a homeopathic ADHD treatment.

Your next step? Take ADHD research seriously and start looking for natural ADHD treatments rather than give your child prescription drugs. Prescription drugs may alleviate the symptoms of the problem but they are only putting a band-aid on a bigger issue and with potentially serious consequences. Look for a homeopathic remedy for ADHD so you can safely and effectively treat ADHD symptoms like hyperactivity, erratic behavior, and lack of concentration without putting your child’s health in jeopardy.

Wayne McDonald is a health enthusiast who has compiled ADHD research and ADHD Facts. For natural remedies and to find out more about some of the most effective treatments for ADHD visit his site at www.adhd-natural-solutions.com

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