Essential Oils for Concentration

Today, scientists the world over have turned their attention to the now very topical issue - sense of smell. They have been especially interested in the tie between fragrances to memory triggers in the brain and those infamous pheromones - fragrant hormone-like substances that influence physical attraction. The olfactory membrane is the only place in the human body where the central nervous system is exposed and in direct contact with the environment.

Consider these essential oils when you need to improve memory and concentration:

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Feng Shui Masters

Our Feng Shui consultants are certified and trained in the ancient Chinese art of placement. Our services include Home and Business, Interior Design Solutions, Keynote Speaking, Lectures, Seminars and Classes. Find Feng Shui Masters

When there is an obstruction of energy, we find ourselves out of balance, stuck and working harder than necessary to achieve our desired goals. Feng Shui (pronounced FUNG SHWAY) is the ancient Chinese art of placement that enables energy to move freely and in harmony with your surroundings.

It is not based on any religion, mysticism, or supersition. At it's most basic level, it's about helping people. By clearing negative or blocked energies, Feng Shui can redirect the Ch'i surrounding you, so that it flows freely in a positive direction, which brings balance, harmony and prosperity to you and your environment. Think of yourself as a boat. It is simply easier and more effective to sail with the current and wind than against it.

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