Bad Flu Season Predicted - Top 10 Tips for Supporting Immunity and Maintaining Health

Tips to help you boost your immune system and natural homeopathic alternatives to the flu vaccine.

Australia recently experienced their worst flu season in the past 6 years, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.

It is thus anticipated to be a bad season for the remaining areas affected now by winter weather and subsequently cold and flu season. The U.S. flu season began on Oct. 1 and ends in April 2009.

Sustaining immunity is the key factor behind cold and flu resistance, so save yourself money and sickness in the long-term by implementing healthy habits now!

1. Consider an effective homeopathic flu remedy to the conventional flu vaccine, either in conjunction or used alone. Orally administered, homeopathic flu remedies may be used by all ages -- without the side effects and complications sometimes experienced by the conventional flu vaccine.

2. Don’t Just Wash Your Hands- Wash Them Right!

2a. Liquid soap is preferred over bar soap, as bar soap tends to harbor viruses and bacteria.

2b. Rub your hands vigorously together with warm water, scrubbing all surfaces, including wrists.

2c. Dry your hands thoroughly, but consider how you do so -- Bacteria and viruses can live on hand towels and sponges for hours. If you have sick ones in the house, change towels frequently or use disposable options instead.

3. Avoid touching your eyes, nose, and mouth. Most germs are spread through hand-to-hand contact, so become conscious of such habits.

4. If you have children, wash toys thoroughly in warm, soapy water to kill bacteria and germs. At work and at home, disinfect commonly used surfaces like keyboards, phones, doorknobs, counters, etc.

5. When possible, open windows to allow fresh air to circulate. Germs linger in stagnant air.

6. Try to quit smoking, as it irritates the respiratory tract, thus increasing susceptibility to illness-causing viruses.

7. Be considerate when you are sick, and stay home from work and keep the kids out of school or daycare.

8. Limit your alcohol consumption, as alcohol dehydrates the body and leaves you more vulnerable to infection.

9. Strive to obtain consistent, adequate sleep and regular exercise help to ward off infections.

10. Reduce stress by practicing relaxation techniques, exercising, or listening to music.

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Causes of Short Attention Span

Article courtesy of Native Remedies

A short attention span is a much greater problem than just not being able to concentrate on something. The issue needs far more serious thought than it is given today.

One of the common causes of a short attention span in children and some adults is the delayed development of the brain. This developmental problem or immaturity, if you like, is known as Attention Deficit Disorder. It is characterized by an impaired ability to learn, to listen, to wait for one's turn or to complete a task. While in a small percentage of children it may be a reaction to disorderly home environment, it is normally not a condition that is caused by improper parenting. These symptoms are probably natural in children below three to four years of age. However, they are a major cause for concern if they continue beyond that. Hyperactive children are also more prone to have a short attention span.

Attention Deficit Disorder or hyperactivity affects less than 5% children. It is more common in boys than in girls. As it is a developmental problem it can be handled if parents and teachers look upon it as a behavioral problem and adopt disciplinary techniques to manage it. Unfortunately, specialists are more prone to highlighting medical causes, which are mostly hereditary. This leads to a heavy dependence on pharmaceuticals and the behavioral aspect of managing ADD is lost in many cases.

The way society has evolved is equally to blame. The effect of our fascination with the latest electronic gadgetry goes far deeper than we would like to believe. Day in and day out we allow ourselves to be exposed to sound-bite news and event coverage on television. The same goes for the meaningless and plot-less movies being dished out under the guise of public demand. Add to that, the enchantment with cell phones and it is not difficult to understand why the attention spans of adults and children alike are shortening. The obsession with television has reached such proportions that a child's attention span while watching TV is not taken into account while assessing his/her abilities to focus.

The fact is that our capacities to communicate and understand have been seriously hampered. The saddest part of the scenario that is emerging is that we are closing our minds by tuning out our ears and shutting our eyes to information.

If a child is born with a hereditary short attention span and inability to focus, parents and teachers should provide support by extending external controls. To set an example for our children, we can at least demand more meaningful content, control obsessions to gadgets and involve ourselves in more outdoor activities so that we do not become a generation of self centered people that puts a huge stake on personal opinions. The best way to learn and improve your attention span is to keep an open mind, gather as much information as you can, and then try to analyze it critically.

The natural way

Rather than treating problems in isolation, Naturopaths prefer to take a holistic look at the individual and incorporate changes in a number of areas including diet, lifestyle, surroundings and emotional elements - thereby supporting the health of the individual as a whole.

Natural remedies have been used in traditional medicine for thousands of years to support the healthy functioning of the brain and nervous system, helping to encourage normal and efficient concentration and memory functioning.

In more recent times, research has confirmed this traditional wisdom. There are now many published clinical studies demonstrating the ability of a range of herbs to support the normal functioning of the brain and nervous system and maintain the healthy flow of oxygen and nutrient rich blood to the brain and peripheries (Pointel JP, Boccalon H, Cloarec M, Ledevehat C, Joubert M. Angiology 1987;38[1 Pt 1]:46-50).

What is Focus Formula?

Focus Formula is a 100% safe, non-addictive, natural, herbal remedy. Formulated by a Clinical Psychologist for both children and adults, Focus Formula has been used for many years to safely maintain health and systemic balance in the brain and nervous system.

Focus Formula contains a selection of herbs known for their supportive function in maintaining brain, nervous system and circulatory health, and well-being.

How has Focus Formula helped others?

“…My son who just turned 6 has been taking Focus Formula for about a month now but within the first week, we noticed a remarkable change. Now we don't have the teacher calling us to tell us what he did wrong in school but to give us glowing reports of how wonderful it was to have him in school! Yesterday he came home with a WOW! Sticker on his shirt for such GREAT behavior at school. THANK YOU SO MUCH. I am telling everyone I know about your wonderful products and you will have a customer for life!” -Gerri, AK, USA

“BrightSpark and Focus Formula have been nothing less than a miracle for our family! I was skeptical but hopeful when I ordered them back in September 2008. I was completely desperate for help for my six-year-old daughter whose emotions and behaviors, especially at night, were completely out of control. The very first night I saw a difference! Not just a slight difference either. For the first time in months she went to bed quietly without altercation and tantrums. I have recommended these products to everyone I know who has a child with emotional/behavior problems. You have given us back some peace in our home! Thank you!” -Haylee, IL, USA

Get more info on Focus to Improve Your Attention Span

Related Products:
Homeopathic remedy temporarily relieves hyperactivity, distractibility and impulsiveness in children, visit BrightSpark

Treatments for Children with Insomnia and Depression

It seems difficult to believe that young children can suffer from insomnia. Insomnia is usually associated with adult conditions like tension and pressure, and these are generally not associated with children.

Let us first understand how sleep patterns are formed in children. From birth to four weeks, there is little that changes in the sleep-wake cycle. As the child approaches the age of 6 months, sleep patterns start getting adjusted to a 24-hour cycle. This allows them to align themselves with night sleep and short daytime naps. As the child becomes a toddler, the sleep patterns are set accordingly by the ‘circadian clock’ or biological clock.

Childhood psychiatric disorders like attention deficit hyperactivity disorder and depression are known to inhibit resetting of the circadian rhythm. Children who are slow learners or those who grow at a faster pace are more prone to develop sleep disorders. Pediatricians face a tough challenge when they are called upon to treat insomnia in children.

Oral melatonin is considered an effective medication for treating insomnia in children. This is because melatonin is a hormone that is secreted by the pineal gland in the brain and is associated with circadian rhythms. Since sleep patterns are also related to the 24-hours biological processes, therefore oral melatonin is considered to be an effective medication for treating insomnia.

However, the fact is that there is no medication that has been approved by the FDA for treating insomnia in children.

Whether in children or adults, insomnia is a symptom of an underlying condition. To be able to effectively treat insomnia, the pediatrician needs to arrive at the fundamental cause behind the condition. If insomnia is caused by depression, then treating depression becomes essential. However, there is a shortage of studies on the subject of safe medications for treating depression and insomnia in children. The use of conventional medication is fraught with danger due to the side effects that it causes and the addictive properties that it has. Natural remedies for depression and treating depression naturally are safer alternatives that should be used in children.

Managing insomnia in your child can be a challenging job. There are some good practices that you need to follow. Deal with bedtime resistance with love and care. Set a bedtime, and stick to it under all circumstances. Avoid activities like watching TV or exciting environments just before sleep time.

Some other practices followed regularly can help you instill a sleep discipline in your child.

1. Stick to one bed time on weekdays and weekends.
2. Avoid giving in to requests to stay up late when you are in a mood for some fun.
3. Set a routine. This routine can include activities like a hot bath, brushing teeth and a story before the lights are out.

It is too optimistic to expect that a child who is suffering from insomnia will stick to a fixed bedtime all the time. Your perseverance, a flexible attitude and incentives will help in treating your child of a condition that can potentially permanently disrupt his/her life.

Get more information on MindSoothe Jr. for Child and Teen Depression

Home Remedies For Male Yeast Infection

Article courtesy of Native Remedies

Men may get penile yeast infection through sexual transmission, due to low immunity, overuse of antibiotics and steroids, spermicides used in condoms, and high sugar level in the urine.

Conventional medicine tends to provide relief from symptoms of male yeast infection, only to find that they resurface again. Any type of Candida cure, including penile yeast infection, must primarily address the basic problem of yeast overgrowth in the intestines.

Basic emphasis of all Candida treatments is on dietary changes.

* Inhibit the growth of Candida - Candida loves sugar and is the major dietary cause behind overgrowth. Limit sugar intake to the minimum required to meet energy requirements of the body. Avoid commercial foods, fried foods, and other simple carbohydrates. Basically, a diabetic diet is suitable for controlling yeast infections as well. High level of blood sugar tends to pass through the urine, which can cause penile yeast infections.
* Promote the growth of friendly bacterium like acidophilus, which are present in yogurt, or supplement with probiotics. Eat at least two to three glasses of yogurt every day. Eat lots of garlic, as it is anti-fungal. Unless there are enough friendly bacteria, Candida will keep on growing despite dietary restrictions.

Regarding penile yeast infections, the best way to prevent them is to practice safe sex. Use condoms, making sure that the lubrication is without Nonoxynol-9, which is basically there for its spermicidal effect. Lubricating the vagina with chemical lubricants is not recommended, as it is one of the causes behind vaginal Candida. Sexual arousal normally provides enough lubrication for satisfying intercourse, but if it is needed, use non-perfumed mineral oils.

Male yeast infection treatment can essentially be done at home, and if you are careful, you may have no need for medication. Diet, safe sex, hygiene, and properly treating your partner (if she has vaginal yeast infection-see Candida treatment) are all that you will require. Circumcised males are less prone to develop penile yeast infections, as Candida tends to develop more easily in the moist and damp fold of the penis.

The natural way

A healthy body, with a strong immune system, balanced pH and balanced levels of probiotics (and Candida) in the system will be protected from infection. There are many natural ways to support the immune system such as diet, adequate sleep, moderate exercise, and relaxation. pH and systemic Candida levels can also be kept at appropriate levels by avoiding excess grains, dairy, sugar, dietary yeast and most processed foods in the diet. Raw vegetables should also be included in a healthy eating plan.

However, today’s modern lifestyle is filled with fast food, pollution, and stress. Over time, these factors can sometimes affect the regulation mechanisms of the body, particularly the body’s natural ability to keep Candida levels in check. To help you, we offer a free download of our Candida diet with every purchase of Candidate.

Acidophilus is a probiotic culture that is present in most yoghurt (especially organic sugar free yoghurt). This probiotic culture contains plenty of good bacteria and can help to support the immune system and maintain normal levels of yeast in the system. Yoghurt can also be used as an effective vaginal douche to help support balance in the vagina. (Hilton E, Isenberg HD, Alperstein P, et al. “Ingestion of yogurt containing Lactobacillus acidophilus as prophylaxis for candidal vaginitis”. Ann Intern Med 1992;116:353–7).

Keeping the immune system healthy will also go a long way to reducing the need for conventional oral antibiotics which have been shown to have an effect on the natural balance of Candida in the body.

Natural remedies have been used in traditional medicine for thousands of years to support the immune system, healthy balance of pH and balanced probiotics and yeast levels in the body. In more recent times, research has confirmed this traditional wisdom.

What is Candidate?

Candidate is a 100% safe, non-addictive natural herbal remedy formulated by our team of natural health experts. Candidate has been used for many years to safely support balanced and healthy levels of pH and bacteria in the body, thereby assisting the body in its natural ability to maintain routine levels of Candida.

By supporting pH levels and healthy probiotic growth, Candidate can help to maintain healthy levels of systemic Candida and yeast in the body.

How has Candidate helped others?

“...I started taking Candidate on Monday... I'm so amazed and thankful that your product worked so fast and well. Thank you!" -Lynne R.

Candidate has helped me a lot ...After much research I took Candidate and ImmunityPlus, and also went on the recommended eating plan for a month. I am eating normally now except for sugar and junk food, and I feel like a young man again. I have started gardening... which is a real miracle for me!” -David

“...All day long my thoughts were focused on food, and I could NOT resist anything with sugar in it! I used to feel guilty, worthless, and weak. I have been taking Candidate for four weeks, and I can stay away from the sugar for the first time in my life! I can't say THANK YOU enough!” -Lillian

Get more Information on Candidate for Candidiasis, Candida and Yeast Infection

Related Products:
* For those looking to supplement with an immune system tonic, visit Immunity Plus

Candida and Alternative Medicine

Article courtesy of Native Remedies

Candida is naturally-occurring yeast that is present in the intestines, mouth, urinary tract and the vagina. The friendly bacteria in the intestines are responsible for checking the overgrowth of Candida, since the otherwise harmless yeast is capable of turning virulent if its prevalence increases. Once it grows and colonizes the gut, its fungal form Candida albicans can damage the intestinal walls. The problem starts when undigested food and toxins leak out of the gut and enter the blood stream.

Most of the symptoms of Candida are vague and confusing. Although there are more than a hundred symptoms of the disease, commonly Candida is associated with a heterogonous group of skin disorders characterized by superficial and recurring infections of the skin, mucous membranes, and nails with Candida albicans.

There are numerous options for Candida treatments, but the most common are over-the-counter creams and ointments. Antifungal agents are usually administered orally in the form of a nitrate. These drugs provide a very effective Candida cure, but there is a caveat attached to every conventional medication. Allopathic drugs should only be taken if the disease if confirmed. The problem with Candida is that it is extremely difficult to diagnose, as the symptoms can confuse even a specialist. On the other hand, if you are taking medicines without consulting a doctor, you run the risk that your body may become resistant to the drug.

Candida is basically a lifestyle disease. Alternative medicine provides a very convenient, natural and a long-term yeast infection treatment in the shape of homeopathic remedies, herbs, cleansing techniques and diet. Recently there have been reports of successful use of acupuncture to treat Candida.

The main cause of Candida is intake of too much of sugar and carbohydrates, and a weak immune system. Alternative medicines score over conventional allopathic treatment due to their holistic approach.

The basic focus of alternative therapies is to:

* Strike at the root cause of the disease.
* Promote the self-healing qualities of the body by strengthening the immune system.
* Provide a long-term Candida cure rather than temporary remission of symptoms that may resurface.

The basis of alternative medicine in regard to Candida is mainly focused on diet and cleansing of the digestive tract. Any Candida treatment must necessarily be accompanied by a diet that does not help in the growth of Candida. A Candida diet is designed to improve the intestinal flora. It includes foods that restrict the growth of yeast and those that promote the growth of friendly bacteria. Thus, sugar, simple carbohydrates, yeast-based foods like cheese, vinegar, and fermented drinks are a total no-go.

Specific herbs like garlic, Pau D’Arco bark, aloe vera juice and aniseed have powerful anti-fungal properties and speed up recovery from Candida infections. Some other herbal medicines and extracts that help in early recovery are tea tree oil and lavender oil, which can be applied topically to the infected area.

Yogurt and other probiotics help in promoting population of friendly bacteria. Alternative therapies for Candida cures may first prefer cleansing of toxins from the body. For this purpose, sufficient quantities of water and enemas with plain water or vinegar diluted in water can be very helpful for easy elimination of toxicity.

The natural way

A healthy body, with a strong immune system, balanced pH and balanced levels of probiotics (and Candida) in the system will be protected from infection. There are many natural ways to support the immune system such as diet, adequate sleep, moderate exercise, and relaxation. pH and systemic Candida levels can also be kept at appropriate levels by avoiding excess grains, dairy, sugar, dietary yeast and most processed foods in the diet. Raw vegetables should also be included in a healthy eating plan.

However, today’s modern lifestyle is filled with fast food, pollution, and stress. Over time, these factors can sometimes affect the regulation mechanisms of the body, particularly the body’s natural ability to keep Candida levels in check. To help you, we offer a free download of our Candida diet with every purchase of Candidate.

Acidophilus is a probiotic culture that is present in most yoghurt (especially organic sugar free yoghurt). This probiotic culture contains plenty of good bacteria and can help to support the immune system and maintain normal levels of yeast in the system. Yoghurt can also be used as an effective vaginal douche to help support balance in the vagina. (Hilton E, Isenberg HD, Alperstein P, et al. “Ingestion of yogurt containing Lactobacillus acidophilus as prophylaxis for candidal vaginitis”. Ann Intern Med 1992;116:353–7).

Keeping the immune system healthy will also go a long way to reducing the need for conventional oral antibiotics which have been shown to have an effect on the natural balance of Candida in the body.

Natural remedies have been used in traditional medicine for thousands of years to support the immune system, healthy balance of pH and balanced probiotics and yeast levels in the body. In more recent times, research has confirmed this traditional wisdom.

What is Candidate?

Candidate is a 100% safe, non-addictive natural herbal remedy formulated by our team of natural health experts. Candidate has been used for many years to safely support balanced and healthy levels of pH and bacteria in the body, thereby assisting the body in its natural ability to maintain routine levels of Candida.

By supporting pH levels and healthy probiotic growth, Candidate can help to maintain healthy levels of systemic Candida and yeast in the body.

How has Candidate helped others?

“...I started taking Candidate on Monday... I'm so amazed and thankful that your product worked so fast and well. Thank you!" -Lynne R.

Candidate has helped me a lot ...After much research I took Candidate and ImmunityPlus, and also went on the recommended eating plan for a month. I am eating normally now except for sugar and junk food, and I feel like a young man again. I have started gardening... which is a real miracle for me!” -David

“...All day long my thoughts were focused on food, and I could NOT resist anything with sugar in it! I used to feel guilty, worthless, and weak. I have been taking Candidate for four weeks, and I can stay away from the sugar for the first time in my life! I can't say THANK YOU enough!” -Lillian

Get more Information on Candidate for Candidiasis, Candida and Yeast Infection

Related Products:
* For those looking to supplement with an immune system tonic, visit Immunity Plus

Stay Warm & Lose Weight with Cayenne Pepper!

How cayenne pepper and other natural remedies can help you reach your target weight goals.

Did the holiday rush leave you with no time to stick to your normal exercise and diet routines? You’re not alone-- most people gain weight during the holidays no matter how hard they try to avoid it.

But did you know that adding a dash of cayenne pepper to your everyday life can be a great way to help you lose weight naturally? Not only that, cayenne pepper aids circulation, which will help your body stay warm during the winter months. This is especially beneficial for those who suffer from cold hands and feet.

Cayenne also has essential vitamins and nutrients, including vitamin C, which helps protect you against colds and flu. The fiery pepper is also an excellent source of vitamin A through its concentration of carotenoids, including beta-carotene.

Beta-carotene is not only a potent antioxidant, but can be converted in the body to vitamin A, a nutrient essential for healthy epithelial tissues-- including the mucous membranes that line the nasal passages, lungs, intestinal tract and urinary tract and serve as the body's first line of defense against invading pathogens.

Studies have shown that Beta-carotene is also helpful in reducing symptoms of asthma, osteoarthritis, and rheumatoid arthritis. In addition, beta-carotene is an antioxidant which is useful in preventing free radical damage that can lead to atherosclerosis, colon cancer, and diabetic complications, like nerve damage and heart disease.

Another widely studied component in the cayenne pepper is capsaicin. This substance is what lends cayenne pepper its characteristic heat. Research has marveled at its pain-reducing effects, cardiovascular benefits, as well as its ability to help prevent ulcers. Capsaicin also effectively opens and drains congested nasal passages.

With so many health benefits and a low cost, what are you waiting for; add some spice into your life and lose weight with cayenne pepper.

How has EcoSlim helped others?

“I tried every diet in the book. I was always on a different diet but if I lost weight it would go straight back on. Your weight loss program helped me to stay on track and I realized for the first time that I did not have to starve to lose weight! The slimming drops made a big difference and every time I stood on the scale I had a smile on my face! After two weeks I had already lost 11 lbs, after 6 weeks I weighed 30 lbs less than when I started! I have never felt or looked so good!” -Janey, LA, USA

“After my baby was born I just could not shake off the extra weight that I gained. The [EcoSlim] slimming drops helped me to control my appetite and I had lots of energy! I am so glad that there is something natural that is good for me AND it helps me to loose weight. I have only been taking the slimming drops for three weeks and I am already buying new clothes! My husband says he can see the difference in all the places that count!” -Lillian, UK

“After my first baby, I could not lose the weight I put on in all the wrong places. My eating patterns were terrible and I felt more miserable by the day. …After using EcoSlim and Mindsoothe, I can really say that I have things under control again. My mood and my confidence levels are fantastic and I can eat sensibly again. All my old clothes are starting to fit again. The best is that I am not dieting like I used to - just eating normally… so I know I will be able to keep this up. Thank you for a wonderful product!” -Heather, Port Elizabeth

Get more info on EcoSlim for Ephedra-Free, Safe Weight Loss

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Tips to Kick Start Your Energy Level

Low energy levels can really put a damper on the pleasure you find in your life. Decreased energy levels keep you from enjoying your daily activities and even leave you drained after performing basic routine activities. The causes of low energy are numerous, but the most common cause is stress.

Stressful situations typically leave the average person feeling drained and even depressed. When not handled properly, stress can cause a number of health problems. Managing stress is therefore essential. It requires a lot of energy and the right approach.

Below are a few easy tips to help restore your energy to optimal levels.

1. Energize with a balanced breakfast
Breakfast is the most important meal of the day. Breakfast should include protein, fruits and healthy fats. The right breakfast should provide you with enough energy to function all day long. Studies have shown that when you eat your daily intake of protein and fat at breakfast, weight loss is easier and energy levels are increased. On the other hand, eating the same things at dinner increases your chances of gaining weight and developing high blood pressure, and even heart disease.

2. Snack throughout the day
People tend to snack on foods that supply a rapid burst of energy such as simple carbohydrates and sugars. These foods burn out fast, and leave us depleted. A mid-morning and a mid-afternoon snack that consists of nuts, seeds, fruits, or protein-rich foods like hummus made from beans, will sustain your energy levels and prevent the all too well know feeling of “burn-out”.

3. Ginseng to restore energy and circulation
Panax ginseng has been prized and used for 5,000 years in Asian medical traditions. Today it remains one of the most widely used energy tonics. Its popular uses include promoting physical and mental endurance, reducing fatigue, and gently boosting energy levels.

Unlike caffeine, which stimulates the central nervous system, ginseng elevates energy moderately. People that regularly use ginseng often report over improvement in their well-being. Panax ginseng is available in powder form, capsules, and tea, and can be found in many local drugstores or health food stores.

Fatigue Fighter™ promotes healthy levels of energy and stamina without artificial stimulants.

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It also supports the heart, encourages blood flow and promotes blood vessel strength.

4. The importance of detoxification
One of the most common culprits of low energy levels is toxin buildup in the system. Drinking enough water prevents the buildup of toxic waste products. Drink at least eight glasses of water per day at room temperature. Also include herbal teas as a part of your daily hydration. Good ones to try are peppermint, chrysanthemum, and dandelion which gently cleanse your body.

Detox Drops™ assists in the body's natural elimination of toxins.

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Healthy Hearts Start with Healthy Habits

* Eat plenty of fruits and vegetables. A quick way to ensure you’re eating a variety of nutrients is to keep meals colorful. A rainbow of colors ensures that you are receiving a balanced amount of nutrients from food.

* Don’t smoke! It is well-known that smoking and secondhand smoke are harmful, but smoking in front of your children can endanger their future health in another way, as well. Your children look up to you, and this negative habit can become engrained in their subconscious. It has been proven that children are more likely to smoke if they were raised in a household where one or both parents also smoked.

* Maintain a healthy weight. It’s not only important to make sure you are not overweight, but be sure to monitor abdominal fat, which puts a person at a far higher risk of developing heart disease.

* Limit your alcohol intake. Alcohol in moderation may actually be beneficial, especially red wine, which provides good-for-your-heart flavonoids and antioxidants.

* Find healthy ways to manage stress. This is essential. We all have stress in our lives, (yes, even children). The ways in which you cope with stress sends strong signals and establishes a pattern of behavior your child will surely imitate.

* Monitor cholesterol levels. Regular check ups are important, since cholesterol can be high even in individuals who seem to be otherwise healthy.

* Monitor blood pressure. Arterial blood pressure should be maintained at optimum levels to prevent the risk of a stroke and cardiovascular disease.

* Get tested for diabetes. They don’t call it “the silent killer” for nothing. Diabetes can present no symptoms until it has already become a serious threat to health.

* Exercise! Last but not least, don’t forget to incorporate physical activity into your routine. This will go a long way in adding to your health, happiness, and longevity.