Home Remedies For Male Yeast Infection

Article courtesy of Native Remedies

Men may get penile yeast infection through sexual transmission, due to low immunity, overuse of antibiotics and steroids, spermicides used in condoms, and high sugar level in the urine.

Conventional medicine tends to provide relief from symptoms of male yeast infection, only to find that they resurface again. Any type of Candida cure, including penile yeast infection, must primarily address the basic problem of yeast overgrowth in the intestines.

Basic emphasis of all Candida treatments is on dietary changes.

* Inhibit the growth of Candida - Candida loves sugar and is the major dietary cause behind overgrowth. Limit sugar intake to the minimum required to meet energy requirements of the body. Avoid commercial foods, fried foods, and other simple carbohydrates. Basically, a diabetic diet is suitable for controlling yeast infections as well. High level of blood sugar tends to pass through the urine, which can cause penile yeast infections.
* Promote the growth of friendly bacterium like acidophilus, which are present in yogurt, or supplement with probiotics. Eat at least two to three glasses of yogurt every day. Eat lots of garlic, as it is anti-fungal. Unless there are enough friendly bacteria, Candida will keep on growing despite dietary restrictions.

Regarding penile yeast infections, the best way to prevent them is to practice safe sex. Use condoms, making sure that the lubrication is without Nonoxynol-9, which is basically there for its spermicidal effect. Lubricating the vagina with chemical lubricants is not recommended, as it is one of the causes behind vaginal Candida. Sexual arousal normally provides enough lubrication for satisfying intercourse, but if it is needed, use non-perfumed mineral oils.

Male yeast infection treatment can essentially be done at home, and if you are careful, you may have no need for medication. Diet, safe sex, hygiene, and properly treating your partner (if she has vaginal yeast infection-see Candida treatment) are all that you will require. Circumcised males are less prone to develop penile yeast infections, as Candida tends to develop more easily in the moist and damp fold of the penis.

The natural way

A healthy body, with a strong immune system, balanced pH and balanced levels of probiotics (and Candida) in the system will be protected from infection. There are many natural ways to support the immune system such as diet, adequate sleep, moderate exercise, and relaxation. pH and systemic Candida levels can also be kept at appropriate levels by avoiding excess grains, dairy, sugar, dietary yeast and most processed foods in the diet. Raw vegetables should also be included in a healthy eating plan.

However, today’s modern lifestyle is filled with fast food, pollution, and stress. Over time, these factors can sometimes affect the regulation mechanisms of the body, particularly the body’s natural ability to keep Candida levels in check. To help you, we offer a free download of our Candida diet with every purchase of Candidate.

Acidophilus is a probiotic culture that is present in most yoghurt (especially organic sugar free yoghurt). This probiotic culture contains plenty of good bacteria and can help to support the immune system and maintain normal levels of yeast in the system. Yoghurt can also be used as an effective vaginal douche to help support balance in the vagina. (Hilton E, Isenberg HD, Alperstein P, et al. “Ingestion of yogurt containing Lactobacillus acidophilus as prophylaxis for candidal vaginitis”. Ann Intern Med 1992;116:353–7).

Keeping the immune system healthy will also go a long way to reducing the need for conventional oral antibiotics which have been shown to have an effect on the natural balance of Candida in the body.

Natural remedies have been used in traditional medicine for thousands of years to support the immune system, healthy balance of pH and balanced probiotics and yeast levels in the body. In more recent times, research has confirmed this traditional wisdom.

What is Candidate?

Candidate is a 100% safe, non-addictive natural herbal remedy formulated by our team of natural health experts. Candidate has been used for many years to safely support balanced and healthy levels of pH and bacteria in the body, thereby assisting the body in its natural ability to maintain routine levels of Candida.

By supporting pH levels and healthy probiotic growth, Candidate can help to maintain healthy levels of systemic Candida and yeast in the body.

How has Candidate helped others?

“...I started taking Candidate on Monday... I'm so amazed and thankful that your product worked so fast and well. Thank you!" -Lynne R.

Candidate has helped me a lot ...After much research I took Candidate and ImmunityPlus, and also went on the recommended eating plan for a month. I am eating normally now except for sugar and junk food, and I feel like a young man again. I have started gardening... which is a real miracle for me!” -David

“...All day long my thoughts were focused on food, and I could NOT resist anything with sugar in it! I used to feel guilty, worthless, and weak. I have been taking Candidate for four weeks, and I can stay away from the sugar for the first time in my life! I can't say THANK YOU enough!” -Lillian

Get more Information on Candidate for Candidiasis, Candida and Yeast Infection

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* For those looking to supplement with an immune system tonic, visit Immunity Plus

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