Help yourself to give up Smoking

Michele Carelse is a Registered Clinical Psychologist and Licensed Counselor. As an ex-smoker, I understand the difficulties involved with quitting smoking. Here are tips, tricks and methods to assist in your stop smoking campaign.

Natural remedies can help to prevent depression associated with nicotine withdrawal, reduce nicotine craving and soothe the restlessness, irritability and volatile moods often felt by people trying to quit smoking. Three natural remedies to Stop Smoking

In my opinion, not enough recognition is given to the fact that nicotine dependency is a serious addiction! Many people see cigarette smoking as a "Bad Habit" and feel that smokers should be able to "just stop"! Although there are many gums, sprays and patches available to help the person gradually wean him/herself off the cigarettes, most smokers are expected to "go it alone", be crabby for a few weeks and then be fine! If they fail, the insinuation is that they are weak, indulgent, inconsiderate, etc. The medical and moral support and understanding given to... Read Article

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