ADD Hyperactivity in Children

Article courtesy of Native Remedies

There are a number of factors that can affect normal concentration and a person's ability to remain centered.

Children’s bodies are made to move around and their naturally enquiring minds may jump from one thing to the other. However, some children find it more difficult than others to settle down and pay attention and this does not always go down well in the classroom.

It stands to reason, therefore, that by supporting harmony and balance in the brain and soothed nerves, we can create the best climate for concentration to take place. Similarly, if the body’s systems are balanced and functioning as they should, cognitive, emotional and behavioral conditions for concentration are at optimal levels.

The Natural Way

Homeopathic remedies have a long history of use in supporting mental, physical and emotional health, preferring a holistic approach to the suppression of symptoms. Homeopathy operates on the principle of ‘like treats like’, using minute amounts of proven, homeopathically prepared ingredients to support the body to heal itself. Due to the unique homeopathic manufacturing methods, homeopathic remedies are very safe and do not interact negatively with prescription or other OTC medicines. As a result, homeopathic remedies can make all the difference without compromising health.

What is BrightSpark?

BrightSpark is a safe, non-addictive, natural remedy containing 100% homeopathic ingredients especially selected to temporarily relieve hyperactivity, distractibility and impulsiveness in children.

How has BrightSpark helped others?

"You've got me shaking my head with surprise and amazement… After 1 day, I swear I thought I was imagining it... but I could tell BrightSpark took the "edge" off my son's personality!" -C.M., MA, USA

“I tried the BrightSpark and Focus Formula as a last resort for my 4-yr-old son when he was about to be removed from his pre-school if his behavior didn't improve. I absolutely could not believe the difference in behavior and impulse control after he began these supplements. Within a week he was like a different child! The difference was dramatic. I was shocked when the school recently told me my son was one of the best kids in the class! Outbursts and problems are rare now and quality of life has improved for the whole family. I couldn't be more thankful for these products.” -Leia, OH, USA

“My 5 year old son was diagnosed …I had done a lot of research on natural ways to help him. I came across your website and have had him on the BrightSpark along with the Focus Formula. We have also done a lot of diet control, natural vitamins … I can't tell you the how much your products have helped him… He is doing much better in school… he is back to our loving, caring, humorous little boy. We were dealing with hitting, kicking, spitting, talking back and very hyper before. He has changed so much and I can't tell you how happy we are along with the rest of his family. ...We can't thank you enough. I can't figure out why the doctors don't recommend these types of products for people. Thanks again!” -Lori, NY, USA

Get more info on BrightSpark for Child ADD and ADHD

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* Focus Formula™ is a herbal remedy used to support concentration, attention and normal energy levels in children and adults.

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