Are Your Kids Hooked on Prescription Drugs?

Information on and natural remedies for the treatment of children's medical conditions.

While most parents worry about their children falling under the influence of illegal street drugs, few probably lose sleep over the effects caused from doctor-prescribed medications, used to treat every ailment from ADD to weight loss in children. Studies show that American children receive three times the drug treatments for common medical conditions than European children, according to a report recently published in Child and Adolescent Psychiatry and Mental Health.

There are several cultural differences that may be correlated to the significantly higher amount of kids on medication. Differences in diagnostic testing may be linked to higher rates of medication, as well as a greater number of child psychiatrists in the United States versus Europe. Heavy direct-to-consumer pharmaceutical advertising is also widely accepted and touted in the United States, subsequently leading many to seek out “quick fix” approaches at the doctor’s office.

In mainstream North American culture, medications are generally not viewed negatively, but rather almost as impulse purchases rather than researched decisions-- often taken without proper supervision or weighing the short and long-term side effects and contraindications.

However, perhaps parents should carefully think over the possible side effects and cautions before signing their child up to a potentially life-long dependence on prescriptions. Particularly in cases of suspected ADD/ADHD in children – disorders without a concrete diagnostic test available — conventional treatment may not fully address the underlying causes and issues, but rather just suppress the problem. Parents should also consider the many herbal and homeopathic remedies which can help maintain harmony, health and systemic balance in the brain and nervous system, without side effects or sedation.

While there is a place for conventional medicine, it should not be viewed as the only solution... and more people need to recognize that taking a proactive approach to wellness can prevent ailments from developing or worsening.

In combination with a healthy lifestyle, natural remedies can help maintain healthy consistent behavior, clear focus, and optimum performance by providing a sound platform to support wellness and vitality.

How has BrightSpark helped others?

"I just want to extend a heartfelt thank you to Native Remedies. Let me first start by saying that, never having a brother, I thought that our son's behavior was that of a "typical boy". We have a boy now 4 1/2 and a daughter 3 1/2. What really sparked us to start looking at ... the differences in behavior towards activities such as coloring and making puzzles, detailed oriented vs. short spurts of attention... The idea of giving our growing child a pharmaceutical drug was just not an option for us, so Native Remedies was "truly a blessing". We started our son on BrightSpark and Focus Formula, and within 7 - 10 days there was such a difference in our son: he was able to sit through an entire family meal (huge for us), his appetite improved, his sleep improved (he was always restless), and he was able to verbalize an emotion pertaining towards a song (I cried - he had never done this in the past). We have since made changes in food choices, scheduling of daily routines, and now include MindSoothe Jr., which has helped us all out. I now see our son take the time to think about what he wants to express, and that makes my heart sing. Thank you all so much." - Renee J., USA

Get more info on BrightSpark for Child ADD and ADHD

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