It’s All in Your Head

Various theories agree that emotions can cause noticeable physical changes in the body. These physical changes can be perceived as body sensations. For example, fear causes an increase in heartbeat, and happiness induces an expansive feeling in the chest and a feeling of lightness. Your attitude and cognitive abilities towards life events largely determines your response and feeling. A positive mental attitude is very good insurance against temperamental mood swings and can ensure good physical and emotional health.

A negative approach to life leads to a depletion of energy, reducing overall vigor, causing feelings of depression and lethargy. Positivity, on the other hand, energizes and motivates. You can help yourself to attain a positive mental attitude. This can ultimately affect your performance at work; give you overall happiness, and a better temperament.

The following are some helpful suggestions that can be implemented with simple lifestyle and motivational changes.

* Idling, unless you are resting with a purpose, can lead to negative thoughts. There is an old saying that ‘an empty mind is a devil’s workshop’. Keep busy with physical and mental activities, and rest only when you need to. While resting, try to connect with your spirituality. Inner peace comes more easily with faith, and ultimately leads to positive thoughts.

* Writing down your thoughts is also a good idea. Make a list and then sift through it later. Try and rephrase all pessimistic thoughts in a positive manner until it becomes habit. Avoid using “no”, “don’t”, and “cannot” as much as you can. By rewriting your negative thoughts, you will actually train your mind to think more positively.

* Love transforms us all. The habit of showing love and expressing it has been lost in the rat race. Absence of love is one of the basic causes of depression, anxiety, and anger. Love others unconditionally and allow yourself to be loved.

* Nothing elevates mood better than laughter. Watch comedy shows regularly or simply act silly to make yourself laugh. It is a good breathing and facial exercise, and helps to elevate spirits.

* Lack of proper communication often leads to bad blood, even among friends. Make sure that you do not make statements frivolously without thinking of the impact it may have on the other person. Avoid caustic remarks.

* Carrying emotional baggage is sure to make you retain negativity. “Forget and forgive” is the best way to move forward in life. The past has happened and is gone forever. Focus on the present and the goodness that lies within you.

* Help others, and you will find that it gives rise to a lot of positive thoughts.

* If you find your thoughts wandering, try to change your environment-- go for a walk or meet a friend. Wandering thoughts are more likely to focus on the negative. Changing the environment lets you divert your attention to better and positive things.

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