Heart Attack - True Story

On New Years Eve Thursday December 31, 2009 at 10:30am I had a heart attack. More accurately I should say that I was having a heart attack on Mon-Tue-Wed-Thu.

I want to share with you some of my thoughts and hope that it prompts you to ACTION or possibly to better re-think how you approach life.

Reflecting back I had some clues to my heat attack, but I ignored them. First let me give you a brief background. I am a healthy male 54 years old and weigh 139 pounds. I am not overweight – smoke no - drink no – family history no – exercise --- could do more – healthy diet, low salt, low fat (maybe some cheese when I cook).

The clues, as I mentioned, on Monday I felt achy with no fever – I thought I had the flu or an infection in my lungs.

On Tuesday, I still didn't feel well and decided to go to a doctor. I was calling around to find a doctor that was in their office (By the way, I have been so healthy that my doctor had retired!) A doctor friend of mine said I should go to emergency. I had NO medical insurance and I didn't want to pay a huge medical bill. This was my FIRST CLUE – I had solid advice to go to Emergency and I ignored it. The SECOND CLUE on Tuesday was I felt something was wrong and I was panicked and scared --- Remember to always listen to your intuition, whether it is making a business decision or listening to your body for health reasons.

Now, I did go to Urgent Care on Tuesday --- but I was misdiagnosed and prescribed Amoxicillin for a general infection and ibuprofen.

Ok, so it is Wednesday and I am on medicine thinking that at some time I should start feeling better.

On Thursday I went to breakfast, went to the bank and stopped at Trader Joe's for a few groceries. By the time I got home, I felt worse and the pain had increased to about a 6 or 7 pain level (Standard Pain scale --- [0-no pain] to [10-Excruciating pain]).

I took more ibuprofen and within five minutes I was throwing up. By this time I realized something was wrong - still having no clue it was a heart attack.

My partner drove me to emergency at Cedars-Sinai (five minutes away). I walked in and was evaluated by a nurse and given a EKG - I still had no clue that I had a heart attack.

I was seen immediately by a doctor and had a heart monitor attached and chest xray. I thought I had the flu or a lung infection. The doctor said I had a heart attack and my response was, “REALLY?!”.

My partner was brought in, everything was explained and I was rushed upstairs to have a stent put in the LAD - Left Anterior Descending artery (stent - model Medtronic Driver RX).

By 1pm I was checked-in and stayed at the hospital til Tuesday January 5, 2010. During this time I was monitored --- blood draws every 8 hours to check my heart damage markers or cardiac enzymes, vital signs, and echocardiogram.

As explained by the doctor, my heart was "stunned" and there was no damage.

Ok, I am home and doing fine. Now the question is what can I do to help or inspire you? The signs for a heart attack can be so subtle. Some people have a LOT OF PAIN in their chest. Other people may feel they have indigestion. Each person is different AND the symptoms for woman are even more subtle. I am not a doctor and I am not here to give any medical advice.

Note: There will be more updates of my HEALTHY recovery after my heart attack. Please click-on the category HEART DISEASE to read all my updates. ~Wayne McDonald, age 54 and 136 pounds - healthy.

What is Sciatica?

Article courtesy of Native Remedies

The sciatic nerve is the longest peripheral nerve in the body, and runs from the lower back through the pelvis and buttock area, right down to the back of the lower leg. It is an extension of the lower end of the spinal cord and is made up of the lumbar and sacral nerve roots from the spine.

The sciatic nerve runs out of the lower spine, behind the hip joint and down the back of the thigh. Its function is to send signals from the brain to the muscles of your leg and from the leg back to the brain – therefore helping to regulate movement in the limbs. Movement and feeling in the legs and feet are largely dependent on the sciatic nerve, which is very important to quality of life and maintaining normal mobility. Because it originates in the spinal cord, the health of the spinal cord and its vertebra plays a large role in the healthy functioning of the sciatic nerve.

The natural way

There are many things which can be done to support the health and functioning of the sciatic nerve.

Maintaining the health and strength of the vertebra and surrounding tissues is very important. Practice good back health and be sure not to put strain on the lumbar region. Regular back exercises, as well as exercise like swimming and walking, can help to support the integrity of the spine.

Be sure you maintain a healthy posture and consider taking up yoga or Pilates which can help to strengthen the central core of the body. Sleep on an orthopedic mattress to support your back at night.

Eat a healthy diet and take daily supplements known to benefit the health of bone, cartilage and nerves. These include zinc, magnesium, calcium, Vitamin C and manganese. Avoid cigarettes and excess alcohol

There are many things which can be done to support the health and functioning of the sciatic nerve.

Maintaining the health and strength of the vertebra and surrounding tissues is very important. Practice good back health and be sure not to put strain on the lumbar region. Regular back exercises, as well as exercise like swimming and walking, can help to support the integrity of the spine.

Be sure you maintain a healthy posture and consider taking up yoga or Pilates which can help to strengthen the central core of the body. Sleep on an orthopedic mattress to support your back at night.

Eat a healthy diet and take daily supplements known to benefit the health of bone, cartilage and nerves. These include zinc, magnesium, calcium, Vitamin C and manganese. Avoid cigarettes and excess alcohol

What is SciatiGon?

SciatiGon is a 100% safe and effective natural remedy for supporting the health of the sciatic nerve, spine, and nervous system.

Get more info on SciatiGon for supporting the health of the sciatic nerve

How has SciatiGon helped others?

“...I started looking on the internet ...and found your SciatiGon remedy. I ordered it immediately and started taking it the minute it arrived. Within 3 days I was feeling better ...Thank you for a life-saving remedy... I have no idea what I would have done if I hadn’t found SciatiGon!" -Myra, AL, USA

“Hi, I hope that you are well. As for me, I am doing much better. Firstly, I would like to thank you for your prompt service and delivery; I am amazed that quality and service still exists... The way you performed your duties was of excellent experience and I am a very satisfied customer who will in the future recommend people to conduct business with you and your company-- well done for your efforts and support. Secondly, a short note to say how impressed and grateful I am to have used SciatiGon. I have been suffering for a very long time with excruciating pains; I have tried a lot of different medication and visited a lot of doctors wasting a lot of time and money and in the end nothing helped ...I could not wait to open this parcel as I was desperate to end this pain and suffering... During the course of the day the pain was subsiding slowly and by 8:00pm that same evening I was 70% feeling much better and relieved. This was like a miracle I thanked my HEAVENLY FATHER in sending me in your direction, I feel like a new person again; this has made me positive and I can now resume to perform my duties as before. I will continue to take [SciatiGon]... I have trust and faith in you so you can expect more orders from me in the future. Many thanks and best regards." -Mark K.

Get more info on SciatiGon for supporting the health of the sciatic nerve

Related Products:
* To support nervous system health and relief from occasional aches, pains, and spasm associated with the nerves, visit Triple Complex Nerve Tonic

Don’t weight to beat the bulge!

Article courtesy of Native Remedies

Many people are unhappy with about their body type and weight, and embark on a journey to shape up. Unfortunately, this often leads to a series of fad diets in order to slim down.

While yo-yo dieting may be effective in the short term, in the long run, regular fluctuations in weight can disturb the balance of the body’s metabolism – leading to systemic confusion and a sluggish metabolism, gradually making the task of getting healthy and slimming down increasingly difficult. This slower metabolism can eventually lead to weight gain, even when eating normally.

Some people follow unhealthy weight loss plans such as crash diets, and prescription or over-the-counter medicine to control their appetite. Though many of these products advertise themselves as healthy weight loss supplements, some contain harmful stimulants that raise heart rate and speed up the metabolism in an un-natural way.
Even some so-called natural products for weight management contain ephedra and other harmful stimulants that can have negative effects on the body. Ultimately, the regimenting is unrealistic and the weight lost often returns with a vengeance after the diet or product is stopped.

Healthy weight loss plans that support natural and healthy weight management agree that the most crucial factors are following a healthy diet, exercising a minimum of three times a week, and drinking the equivalent of eight glasses of water a day. Other healthy body slimming tips are incorporating relaxation techniques into your daily routine to better deal with stress. It is well known that our body reacts to stress by releasing cortisol which makes us store fat around the waist and abdominal area.

The natural way

Healthy weight loss plans that support natural and healthy weight management agree that the most crucial factors are following a healthy diet, exercising a minimum of three times a week, and drinking the equivalent of eight glasses of water a day. Other healthy body slimming tips are incorporating relaxation techniques into your daily routine to better deal with stress. It is well known that our body reacts to stress by releasing cortisol which makes us store fat around the waist and abdominal area.

Natural remedies offer weight loss supplements that have been used in traditional medicine for thousands of years to support the healthy functioning of digestion, the metabolism, liver functioning and the healthy breakdown of dietary fat, helping to promote a balanced weight and body type.

In more recent times, research has confirmed this traditional wisdom. There are now many published clinical studies demonstrating the ability of a range of herbs to support the normal functioning of the liver, stomach and digestive system and promote a healthy metabolism.

For instance, hydroxycitric acid (HCA), a derivative of citric acid, is found primarily in a small, sweet, purple fruit called Garcinia cambogia. In an 8-week, double-blind, placebo-controlled trial of 60 overweight individuals, use of HCA produced significant weight loss as compared to the placebo.

(Thom E. Hydroxycitrate (HCA) in the treatment of obesity. Int J Obes Relat Metab Disord.1996;20(suppl 4):75).

What is EcoSlim?

EcoSlim is a 100% safe, non-addictive natural herbal remedy formulated for adults by our team of natural health experts. Weight loss supplements such as EcoSlim can especially benefit those individuals needing to consistently support routine weight management and a health metabolism without compromising health or serious side effects.

EcoSlim is effectively used as part of a total slimming program to safely support healthy metabolism, energy levels and systemic balance in the stomach and digestive system, without harmful side effects and without stimulants.

In combination with a healthy lifestyle and balanced diet, EcoSlim supports the healthy functioning of the digestive system, thereby helping to maintain optimum performance.

How has EcoSlim helped others?

“The EcoSlim and Detox Drops are a big help and I feel so healthy and full of energy...” -Sam, Cape Town

“I have tried to lose the same 10 lbs for the last year. I have a healthy eating plan and daily moderate exercise. I was becoming completely frustrated because my end of the day hunger always sabotaged my weight loss. Two weeks ago I started taking EcoSlim and Slimmer's Assist and I've been thrilled that my hunger is gone! Even mealtime portions are much smaller and I'm still satisfied. I've already lost 3 lbs. and I'm confident that your products will soon help me reach my goal. I feel just great and want to thank you for the wonderful products.” -Mary, USA

“I tried every diet in the book. I was always on a different diet but if I lost weight it would go straight back on. Your weight loss program helped me to stay on track and I realized for the first time that I did not have to starve to lose weight! The slimming drops made a big difference and every time I stood on the scale I had a smile on my face! After two weeks I had already lost 11 lbs, after 6 weeks I weighed 30 lbs less than when I started! I have never felt or looked so good!” -Janey, LA, USA

“After my baby was born I just could not shake off the extra weight that I gained. The [EcoSlim] slimming drops helped me to control my appetite and I had lots of energy! I am so glad that there is something natural that is good for me AND it helps me to loose weight. I have only been taking the slimming drops for three weeks and I am already buying new clothes! My husband says he can see the difference in all the places that count!” -Lillian, UK

Get more info on EcoSlim for Ephedra-Free, Safe Weight Loss

Related Products:
* To support a balanced metabolism in teens, visit TeenSlim
* To support weight management in children under 13, visit JuniorSlim

Focus, motivation, learning, and memory

Article courtesy of Native Remedies

Our brain is like a virtual filing cabinet where the completed tasks, acquired information, and experiences are all processed and then stored - nothing is lost, instead just taking a little more effort to retrieve.

Clearly, it is important to maintain a healthy nervous system and good, sound brain function. A healthy brain and nervous system depends on the supply and flow of oxygen-rich blood and nutrients to all parts of the brain. A brain which is well supplied with nutrients and oxygen will not only work well, but will also play a part in mood, energy levels and motivation levels. Conversely, a healthy blood supply to the brain will also assist in the removal of carbon dioxide and other gaseous wastes.

The natural way

It stands to reason, therefore, that maintaining an adequate supply of blood to the brain will help to increase oxygen and nutrient supply and maintain a healthy balance of oxygen and carbon dioxide in the brain – thereby maintaining healthy brain functions like concentration, attention span, mental alertness and memory. These are just a few of the many reasons why regular exercise, healthy diet, and sufficient sleep are all very important to enhance brain function and the nervous system.

Rather than treating problems in isolation, naturopaths prefer to take a holistic look at the individual and incorporate changes in a number of areas including diet, lifestyle, surroundings, and emotional elements - thereby supporting the health of the individual as a whole.

In addition, natural remedies have been used in traditional medicine for thousands of years to support the healthy functioning of the brain and nervous system, helping to maintain efficient concentration and memory functioning.

In more recent times, research has confirmed this traditional wisdom. There are now many published clinical studies demonstrating the ability of a range of herbs to support the normal functioning of the brain and nervous system, and maintain the healthy flow of oxygen and nutrient- rich blood to the brain and peripheries (Pointel JP, Boccalon H, Cloarec M, Ledevehat C, Joubert M. Angiology 1987;38[1 Pt 1]:46-50).

What is Focus ADDult?

Focus ADDult is a 100% safe, non-addictive, natural herbal remedy and is formulated by a clinical psychologist specifically for teenagers and adults.

Focus ADDult has been used for many years to safely maintain and support brain function and systemic balance, without side effects or sedation.

Focus ADDult contains a selection of herbs known for their supportive function in maintaining brain, nervous system, circulatory health, and overall well-being.

How has Focus ADDult helped others?

"I've already recommended the Focus ADDult to friends and the head of our Special Ed Department at the school in which I work." -Stephanie, CA, USA

“My whole life I struggled ... When I was a kid I was placed in remedial education. However, with my strong worth ethic and determination I was placed in AP and Honors classes. Even though I made outstanding improvement, my disorganization really affected me. When Focus ADDult arrived two days ago, I took it before a math study group and my friends were alarmed of how fast I grasped topics and how focused I was. After only two days the results have been amazing. I have already finished two chapters in one of my AP classes. I find that I am drinking coffee a lot less, and I am calmer in general. With a combination of self-discipline, work ethic, positive emotions and product support from Native Remedies, I can finally reach my main goals. If all goes well, I plan to purchase some more products! Thank you Native Remedies!" -David, NY, USA

“…Luckily I gave Focus ADDult a try! I can highly recommend it for anyone who wants to (support) study skills and concentration." -Felicity (27 Years Old)

“I just wanted to thank you, thank you, thank you for your Focus ADDult. I have a child (12-year-old 6th grader) …My daughter has been taking your Focus ADDult for about 5-6 weeks, and she has not one failing grade …on her report card. Her last report card had 3! All her grades are up to C's. She feels good about herself and doesn't say anything about drinking her "smart water" every day. I'm also thankful you have the drops, as she has trouble swallowing pills. The drops have rescued her. Thank you so much!” -Vickie, T, USA

Get more information on Focus ADDult for Adult ADD

Related Products:
* To maintain brain health, memory, mental focus, and concentration, visit Triple Complex Brain Tonic
* To support healthy levels of energy and stamina, visit Fatigue Fighter
* To support emotional wellness and maintain a positive mental attitude, visit MindSoothe
* Homeopathic remedy temporarily relieves hyperactivity, distractibility and impulsiveness in children, visit BrightSpark

ADD Treatment Effective, Natural Remedy

Article courtesy of Native Remedies

There are a number of factors that can affect normal concentration and a person's ability to remain centered.

Children’s bodies are made to move around and their naturally enquiring minds may jump from one thing to the other. However, some children find it more difficult than others to settle down and pay attention and this does not always go down well in the classroom.

It stands to reason, therefore, that by supporting harmony and balance in the brain and soothed nerves, we can create the best climate for concentration to take place. Similarly, if the body’s systems are balanced and functioning as they should, cognitive, emotional and behavioral conditions for concentration are at optimal levels.

The Natural Way

Homeopathic remedies have a long history of use in supporting mental, physical and emotional health, preferring a holistic approach to the suppression of symptoms. Homeopathy operates on the principle of ‘like treats like’, using minute amounts of proven, homeopathically prepared ingredients to support the body to heal itself. Due to the unique homeopathic manufacturing methods, homeopathic remedies are very safe and do not interact negatively with prescription or other OTC medicines. As a result, homeopathic remedies can make all the difference without compromising health.

What is BrightSpark?

BrightSpark is a safe, non-addictive, natural remedy containing 100% homeopathic ingredients especially selected to temporarily relieve hyperactivity, distractibility and impulsiveness in children.

How has BrightSpark helped others?

"You've got me shaking my head with surprise and amazement… After 1 day, I swear I thought I was imagining it... but I could tell BrightSpark took the "edge" off my son's personality!" -C.M., MA, USA

“I tried the BrightSpark and Focus Formula as a last resort for my 4-yr-old son when he was about to be removed from his pre-school if his behavior didn't improve. I absolutely could not believe the difference in behavior and impulse control after he began these supplements. Within a week he was like a different child! The difference was dramatic. I was shocked when the school recently told me my son was one of the best kids in the class! Outbursts and problems are rare now and quality of life has improved for the whole family. I couldn't be more thankful for these products.” -Leia, OH, USA

“My 5 year old son was diagnosed …I had done a lot of research on natural ways to help him. I came across your website and have had him on the BrightSpark along with the Focus Formula. We have also done a lot of diet control, natural vitamins … I can't tell you the how much your products have helped him… He is doing much better in school… he is back to our loving, caring, humorous little boy. We were dealing with hitting, kicking, spitting, talking back and very hyper before. He has changed so much and I can't tell you how happy we are along with the rest of his family. ...We can't thank you enough. I can't figure out why the doctors don't recommend these types of products for people. Thanks again!” -Lori, NY, USA

Get more info on BrightSpark for Child ADD and ADHD

Related Products:
* Focus Formula™ is a herbal remedy used to support concentration, attention and normal energy levels in children and adults.

Maintaining Emotional Balance

Article courtesy of Native Remedies

To a great extent, modern fast-paced lifestyles have been instrumental in raising a number of psychological and physiological issues. While health issues have long been in the media spotlight, behavioral and emotional issues struggle to find their rightful place and are often underplayed. Road rage has become more of a rule than exception. We tend to get unreasonably angry even without instigation, experience extreme sorrow even at events that may not merit such a reaction, and get annoyed without a justifiable reason.

Since these reactions have become a part and parcel of life, they are shrugged off as a transient phase in which one has lost emotional balance. It is only when the frequency of such incidents or events increases that we realize that we are overwhelmed and stressed. At this point, it suddenly dawns upon us that we have been like this for a while without having any idea about how it all happened.

Maintaining emotional balance is not only about managing emotions by eliminating negative thoughts, it is also about learning how to keep emotions under control. Howsoever positive you may be in your outlook, there is a high probability that adverse events will provoke negative emotions. It is your capacity to feel emotions in a balanced manner that helps in promoting your overall emotional health.

It is important to understand that a healthy body houses a healthy mind. The mind is responsible for one’s thoughts and feelings. It is the seat of the faculty of reason which determines how you feel and control a particular emotion. The emotions that you feel are actually physical responses in the nervous system, and therefore your overall health determines how well you are able to control them.

Eat healthy foods and avoid and restrict intake of coffee and alcohol. Exercise is extremely important. First, understand the level of your tolerance and then stick to the exercise regimen based on it. Getting sufficient relaxation and sleep is equally important. If you wake up feeling restful, you are liable to respond positively throughout the day.

Besides these, there are other steps that you may take to maintain your emotional balance.

* Organize and manage your time. Do one thing at a time instead of working in a haphazard manner.

* Set realistic goals that are achievable. Don’t set expectations that are at such a stretch that they are impossible to achieve.

* Express your emotions. Emotions that let to build up within tend to come out forcefully.

* Make positive affirmations to yourself and do it repeatedly so that they have an affect on your subconscious mind.

* Avoid mood-altering drugs.

Remember that you cannot control all situations. A healthy body and a positive attitude can effectively change the way you look at them. These not only help in approaching a situation calmly, but can also increase confidence and your ability to cope with negative emotions.

The natural way

A lot can be done to naturally maintain emotional health and a healthy positive mental attitude.

It is a good idea to keep your natural feel-good chemicals flowing by eating lots of fresh fruit and vegetables and whole grain foods, ensuring plenty of fresh air, adequate sleep, moderate sunshine and regular exercise. Many healthy foods (e.g. bananas, turkey and carbohydrates) contain nutritional precursors of serotonin and this makes them natural ‘mood foods’ to maintain healthy serotonin levels!

Also, never underestimate the power of a few stolen minutes during the workday (or school day) to rejuvenate the spirit and relax the mind – meditation, yoga or listening to a calming CD can all promote relaxation. Smoking, recreational drugs and alcohol can all depress the nervous system and affect the balance of neurotransmitters like serotonin – so try to cut back or avoid these habits for the sake of your emotional as well as your physical health.

What is MindSoothe?

MindSoothe is a 100% safe, non-addictive, natural herbal remedy that has been especially formulated by a Clinical Psychologist for adults and teens, and comes in a compact capsule form, making it easy to take.

MindSoothe can be used to safely maintain emotional health, balanced mood and systemic harmony in the brain and nervous system, without harmful side effects. This remedy contains a selection of herbs known for their excellent and supportive function in maintaining brain and nervous system health, emotional balance and overall emotional well-being.

How has MindSoothe helped others?

"Taking MindSoothe has been an absolute savior for me... MindSoothe has given me my life back, and has given my children their mother back." -Tina, Wales, UK

“...I began to feel that I wanted to change to something more natural and better for me. With the guidelines you gave me, I made the transition with very few problems and can truly say that your MindSoothe is helping me with each passing day - and I feel much better about it! I can recommend MindSoothe anytime to soothe the mind naturally!” -Joe, USA

“Your MindSoothe really helped me. I have been going through some bad times in a relationship and I felt as though I had hit rock bottom. After only three weeks, I could feel I had natural support. You will be glad to know that after six weeks I dumped the guy who was causing all the trouble and I am having a great time now! MindSoothe helped me through it, THANK YOU!!” -Linda S., USA

“I had been experiencing social nervousness that was affecting my social life and work. After taking MindSoothe for just one week, I feel great and am able to feel relaxed in social situations that I would otherwise want to avoid. No side effects! I am pleasantly surprised!” -Michelle, NY, USA

Get more info on MindSoothe for Depression

Related Products:
* To support balanced mood and stability in children 4-12 visit MindSoothe Jr.
* For children younger than 4 years of age visit Triple Complex Mood Tonic.

Panic Attack Treatments - Take Your Life Back

Article courtesy of Native Remedies

You might already know that there are a number of treatment options available for people suffering from debilitating panic attacks. Many of these options belong to the natural remedies category and they promise to offer instant as well as long term relief from panic attacks. You can take your pick from herbal tablets, liquids and capsules.

Panic Attack Treatments - Popular Products

Most of the popular natural panic attack treatments have propriety ingredients, which are usually plant or vegetable extracts. For example, Nerve Tonic is one such product and it taken by the sublingual method - meaning it is dissolved under the tongue. Nerve Tonic is not at all addictive and can be discontinued at any time.

Similarly, another product worth mentioning is PureCalm, which manages to tackle panic attacks using the theory of aromatherapy. All you need to do is have about twelve to twenty drops of PureCalm per day and you will feel yourself more calm and relaxed. PureCalm is 100% natural and does not have any side effects.

Natural Treatments And Group Programs

Understanding the reason behind your panic attacks can also help you cope with them better. Natural treatments for anxiety include group therapy programs that focus on panic attack treatment and help people overcome them without any medications (pharmaceutical or otherwise). You can search for a program in your area and join one - you might just be surprised at how taking a simple class can help you manage your panic and anxiety attacks.

Massage And Acupressure

Many people consider massages as relief only for physical problems. However, special techniques such as acupressure and shiatsu are known to provide anxiety relief as they for focus on certain stress points of the body and exercise those points. This is probably one the best ways to fight panic attacks; however, they do take some time to have an effect. Therefore, you need to be patient when using acupressure and massage remedies to help you overcome anxiety.

There are new innovations in the field of panic and anxiety relief on a regular basis so it is quite likely that you will be able to find newer ways to treat your panic and anxiety attacks in the years to come.

How has PureCalm helped others?

"[With PureCalm] I ...feel better about myself and for the first time in years feel genuine peace of mind. Thank you from the bottom of my heart." -Kim, VA, USA

“I'm in love with this product! Without PureCalm, I think I would have been lost forever. I was losing my mind… but after taking PureCalm along with MindSoothe, I'm back to myself again. Before PureCalm, I was miserable, and was afraid that I would have to live [like this] the rest of my life. I dreaded the night because that's when I have the spill... but thanks to PureCalm I think I have overcome the demon. I thank you (NativeRemedies.com) for a wonderful product” -Jamie, TX, USA

“I have two special needs children (they are six and seven years old). We have been using PureCalm and Focus Formula on both of them for about 8 months and their teachers are amazed and tell us to keep doing what we are doing! ...I recommend PureCalm to any parent...” -Richard, NV, USA

Get more info on PureCalm for Anxiety and Panic Attacks

Related Products:

* To support balanced mood and emotions in children and adults, visit MindSoothe Jr™ for children and Mindsoothe™ for adults.

Advice for people with social anxiety disorder

Article courtesy of Native Remedies

Social anxiety is a type of anxiety disorder that is characterized by the fear of being embarrassed, judged negatively or evaluated by other people in a social setting. A person with this disorder experiences physical symptoms of anxiety when he is in a social situation even though he may be perfectly calm and normal in the privacy of his home.

As a result of these symptoms, such people tend to avoid social situations at all costs and this can lead to severe impairment of social, interpersonal and occupational life. Forcing such people to be sociable can cause the onset of a panic attack and such harsh measures should be avoided at all times.

As per The Journal of Clinical Psychiatry (1198:59, Supplement 17, 4:9), there are two kinds of social anxiety disorders. These are generalized social anxiety disorder and specific social anxiety disorder.

In case of a generalized social anxiety disorder, the person affected avoids all kinds of social interactions whereas in the case of a specific social anxiety disorder only a few situations that cause anxiety are avoided. Given that 40 percent of those who develop a social anxiety disorder start exhibiting symptoms of the condition before the age of ten and 95% by the age of twenty, it is important for parents to keep a look out of symptoms that may give warning signs of things to come.

This however does not mean that general shyness should be mistaken for a social disorder. Many children are shy but grow out of their shyness as they reach their teens. The symptoms of social anxiety disorder are excessive avoidance of any or a specific kind of social situation, feeling extremely self-conscious in public accompanied by a lack of self-worth and a strong escape instinct in social settings.

People with this disorder tend to avoid being introduced to new people, cannot take a joke on themselves, do not like to be the center of attraction in a party and at times avoid parties and gatherings. They become embarrassed easily and avoid meeting people's eyes and are shifty and uneasy in the presence of strangers. In case you feel that you or someone whom you know shows these symptoms of a social disorder, then there are ways and means of seeking social anxiety relief.

You could go in for Cognitive Behavior Therapy (CBT) that is based on the premise that your own thoughts are the cause of the disorder and are not triggered off by the behavior of other people. Those who practice this therapy can help in identifying the situations that cause anxiety, arrive at the underlying reasons for the social anxiety and use techniques like role playing and social skill training to overcome these barriers.

Exposure Therapy is another means of providing anxiety relief. This involves a controlled and safe exposure to anxiety causing situations. Sometimes uneasy situations are created in comfortable settings and repeated exposure to such a setting can lead to a situation where one can handle that situation by oneself without experiencing a panic attack.

Medications like antidepressants and beta-blockers can also be used in extreme cases but should be used only as the last resort. In fact, the panic attack treatments that are gaining prominence are natural treatments for anxiety and include herbal remedies and techniques like slow breathing and positive self-talk.

You can also look for support groups who undergo similar issues while facing similar situations on the Internet and open up to them. One can obtain great ideas on how to handle various situations just by talking to other people who empathize with your situation.

The natural way

A lot can be done to support a healthy ability to relax and slow down. One way of doing this is to keep your mind producing its own natural feel good chemicals by eating lots of fresh fruit and vegetables and whole grain foods, getting plenty of fresh air and sunshine and exercising regularly.
Practicing relaxation techniques, meditation or even taking time for a regular walk on the beach can all help to reduce stress levels and facilitate a feeling of calm – helping us to wind down and relax.
Natural remedies can also help to support the nervous system and to keep nerves settled and soothed – to enable us to cope more easily with the everyday stresses of our modern existence. In fact, natural remedies have been used in traditional medicine for thousands of years to support the healthy functioning of the brain and nervous system.
In more recent times, research has confirmed this traditional wisdom. There are now many published clinical studies demonstrating the ability of a range of herbs to support the normal functioning of the brain and nervous system and maintain a healthy equilibrium - which will assist with staying calm under pressure. (Akhondzadeh S, Naghavi HR, Vazirian M, Shayeganpour A, Rashidi H, Khani M. “Passionflower in the treatment of generalized anxiety: a pilot double-blind randomized controlled trial with oxazepam.” J Clin Pharm Ther. 2001;26(5):369-373.)
What is PureCalm?

PureCalm is a 100% safe, non-addictive herbal remedy that has been specially formulated by a Clinical Psychologist for adults and children.
PureCalm can been used to safely maintain harmony, health and systemic balance in the brain and nervous system, without harmful side effects. This remedy contains a selection of herbs known for their supportive role in maintaining healthy nervous system function. Due to the concentrated tincture formula, PureCalm Drops work quickly to maintain balance and harmony in the nervous system – exactly when you need it!

How has PureCalm helped others?

“I'm in love with this product! Without PureCalm, I think I would have been lost forever. I was losing my mind... but after taking PureCalm along with MindSoothe, I'm back to myself again. Before PureCalm, I was miserable, and was afraid that I would have to live [like this] the rest of my life. I dreaded the night because that's when I have the spill... but thanks to PureCalm I thing I have overcome the demon. I thank you [NativeRemedies] for a wonderful product” -Jamie, TX, USA

“I have two special needs children (they are six and seven years old). We have been using PureCalm and Focus Formula on both of them for about 8 months and their teachers are amazed and tell us to keep doing what we are doing! ...I recommend PureCalm to any parent...” -Richard, NV, USA

“Hi, I just wanted to say thank you Native Remedies for this wonderful PureCalm product. …After I started taking PureCalm, within few days I stopped taking [my prescription] and started sleeping better, started living my normal life. It is not addictive at all-- now I only take when I really need it. Thank you. It works great!! You changed my life.” -Nicky, MA, USA

Get more info on PureCalm for Anxiety and Panic Attacks

Related Products:
* To support balanced mood and emotions in children and adults, visit MindSoothe Jr™ for children and Mindsoothe™ for adults.

It’s All in Your Head

Various theories agree that emotions can cause noticeable physical changes in the body. These physical changes can be perceived as body sensations. For example, fear causes an increase in heartbeat, and happiness induces an expansive feeling in the chest and a feeling of lightness. Your attitude and cognitive abilities towards life events largely determines your response and feeling. A positive mental attitude is very good insurance against temperamental mood swings and can ensure good physical and emotional health.

A negative approach to life leads to a depletion of energy, reducing overall vigor, causing feelings of depression and lethargy. Positivity, on the other hand, energizes and motivates. You can help yourself to attain a positive mental attitude. This can ultimately affect your performance at work; give you overall happiness, and a better temperament.

The following are some helpful suggestions that can be implemented with simple lifestyle and motivational changes.

* Idling, unless you are resting with a purpose, can lead to negative thoughts. There is an old saying that ‘an empty mind is a devil’s workshop’. Keep busy with physical and mental activities, and rest only when you need to. While resting, try to connect with your spirituality. Inner peace comes more easily with faith, and ultimately leads to positive thoughts.

* Writing down your thoughts is also a good idea. Make a list and then sift through it later. Try and rephrase all pessimistic thoughts in a positive manner until it becomes habit. Avoid using “no”, “don’t”, and “cannot” as much as you can. By rewriting your negative thoughts, you will actually train your mind to think more positively.

* Love transforms us all. The habit of showing love and expressing it has been lost in the rat race. Absence of love is one of the basic causes of depression, anxiety, and anger. Love others unconditionally and allow yourself to be loved.

* Nothing elevates mood better than laughter. Watch comedy shows regularly or simply act silly to make yourself laugh. It is a good breathing and facial exercise, and helps to elevate spirits.

* Lack of proper communication often leads to bad blood, even among friends. Make sure that you do not make statements frivolously without thinking of the impact it may have on the other person. Avoid caustic remarks.

* Carrying emotional baggage is sure to make you retain negativity. “Forget and forgive” is the best way to move forward in life. The past has happened and is gone forever. Focus on the present and the goodness that lies within you.

* Help others, and you will find that it gives rise to a lot of positive thoughts.

* If you find your thoughts wandering, try to change your environment-- go for a walk or meet a friend. Wandering thoughts are more likely to focus on the negative. Changing the environment lets you divert your attention to better and positive things.

Immunity Plus - Effective Immune System Support

The immune system is an amazingly intricate and complex system that keeps us healthy and protects us against all sorts of invaders including viruses, bacteria, microbes, parasites and toxins.

Like with many things, we often don’t notice or think about our immune system until something goes wrong with it. A healthy immune system helps to ensure systemic health and protection! And the first line of defense in any fight is to maintain structural integrity – which means taking steps to ensure a supported, healthy immune system.

The natural way

There has been an increase in people trying to find natural immune system support. Herbal and homeopathic remedies have been used in traditional medicine for thousands of years to support immune system functioning, acting as natural immunity tonics to keep us healthy and support and maintain overall systemic functioning.

In more recent times, research has confirmed this traditional wisdom. There are now many published clinical studies demonstrating the ability of a range of herbs to support natural immunity as well as the normal and healthy functioning of the immune system.

Yoga for Sciatica and a Stress Free State of Mind

Yoga is one of the six traditional philosophical schools that originate from India. Yogic postures form a part of this philosophical system for purification of the mind, body and spirit. Terming yoga as only an exercise regimen is a misnomer. It focuses equally on the body and the mind - a stress-free state of mind and a physically fit body is intended to achieve the ultimate goal of a blissful union with the Unknown.

Yoga has five major branches and what we know as yoga is actually just one branch of yoga that focuses on the physical and the vital energy aspect via postures and breathing exercises. Yogic postures are well-defined and different postures work upon different body parts and organs. Some of them are specifically meant for sciatic pain.

Sciatica is a symptom that arises due to a compression of the sciatic nerve. The compression can be caused by various conditions like aging, degeneration or an injury. Sciatica, the longest nerve in the human body can suffer compression at its five roots that exit from the lower back or along its route down to the legs via the buttocks.

Yogic postures meant for sciatica have three major categories:

* Standard poses (Performed while standing, some of which need extra strength and focus for balancing the body)
* Inversions (Head stand and shoulder stand)
* Sitting postures

Almost all yogic postures are accompanied by breathing instructions; inhaling and exhaling at the right time is critical. It is not the subject matter of this article to list all the postures and how to achieve them. Suffice it to say that almost all the yogic postures attempt to provide relief from sciatica by:

* Stretching and massaging the back and hips
* Strengthening abdominal muscles and massaging abdominal organs
* Providing healthy elasticity to arms, legs, lower and upper back
* Massaging the sacrum and hips
* Stretching hamstrings, thighs, the piriformis muscles and hip flexors
* Improving the circulation of blood
* Making the spine more pliant and flexible
* Improving postural faults

The major causes behind sciatica are disc-related conditions. Some of the non-disc related conditions like a pinched nerve can also occur due to strangulation by the piriformis muscle. The pain caused by either of the conditions can lead to excruciating sciatica pain. Yoga can greatly influence all these factors and much more.

While performing yogic postures, the emphasis is on the body’s level of tolerance. This is important for sciatica patients as well as normal individuals who want to benefit from the therapy to avoid sciatica. Initially, yoga appears to be a difficult therapy but persistence normally helps in achieving the ultimate goal. All yoga instructors stress on this factor, and they can gradually guide you to attaining the prefect posture for the recommended period of time.

Yoga as a holistic sciatica alternative remedy is a useful therapy for prevention and for managing sciatica pain. Regular yoga helps, not only in avoiding sciatic nerve treatment but also helps in relieving tensions of daily life. Stress is a major factor behind many diseases. The physical is only one part of yoga. It places equal emphasis on mental health and achieving inner peace.

OTC Treatment for Pinched Nerve and Preventive Measures

All back pain is not sciatica; nor is all sciatica-like pain in the lower back, buttocks and legs caused by a herniated disc. Too much attention is paid to serious sounding names of diseases and most of us tend to associate even ‘similar’ symptoms to them.

Sciatica is popularly known to be a symptom of a disc problem. Tenderness, tingling, pins and needles, numbness or a burning sensation in a limb is commonly associated with sciatica. Even though some people are quick to jump to such conclusions, it is not necessary that such kind of pain means a problem with your spine.

Sciatica-like pain or pseudo sciatica produces similar symptoms. It is often caused due to a pinched nerve and does not necessarily mean that you have to rush for a sciatic nerve treatment that involves prescription drugs. A pinched nerve is the result of compression, tightening or stretching of a nerve. Nerves like the radial, ulnar, femoral and sciatic that pass over bones are more vulnerable.

Most of the time, such sciatica-like pain can be treated with simple remedies that can be acquired over-the-counter. These include sciatica alternative remedies that are also worth trying in such cases. The most recommended treatment is to give the body and specifically the damaged area some rest. You can do so by modifying your activities to avoid those that cause or aggravate compression of the affected nerve. Try some muscle strengthening and stretching exercises to work on the affected area to relieve the compression.

Sometimes the area affected is highly mobile even during sleep. Wearing a splint or a brace on wrists or ankles during the day as well as while sleep will immobilize those parts and provide the much needed relief.

Homeopathic remedies form an integral part of any OTC treatment. Rhus tox, if the pain gets better on applying warmth and Arnica, if it follows an injury are among the most common homeopathic remedies for pain caused by a pinched nerve. Herbal tea made of equal parts of St. John’s Wort, Siberian Ginseng and Skullcap will also ease pain equally well.

Rather than exposing and increasing your vulnerability to the condition, it is much better to take preventive measures.

1. Good posture is a precondition for avoiding a pinched nerve.
2. Pick heavy objects properly – bend your knees and not your back.
3. Avoid sitting in the same position for long periods.
4. If you have a sitting job, invest in an ergonomic chair or take a break every now and then to give rest to tensed muscles.
5. Make exercise a part of your daily routine.
6. Avoid putting on excess weight.
7. Include lecithin in your diet; it can help to regenerate nerves.

On the face of it, a pinched nerve is a minor condition, but it can sometimes lead to other conditions like peripheral neuropathy, carpal tunnel syndrome and tennis elbow. It is imperative that the cause of pain be determined as these conditions may cause a permanent disability if not addressed to in time.

Learn More about SciatiGon™ - Promotes sciatic nerve comfort and health. To soothe the sciatic nerve

20 New Native Remedies Products Released!

Native Remedies has introduced 20 additional products to its extensive line of proven and trusted natural remedies!

Acid Free-Flux Homeopathic remedy

#1-Acid Free-Flux Temporarily:
* Relieves acute acid reflux after eating
* Alleviates burning and indigestion
* Reduces digestive discomfort
* Soothes lining of the stomach and esophagus
Acid Free-Flux

Anal Itch Assist Homeopathic remedy

#2-Anal Itch Assist Temporarily:
* Relieves anal itching and burning from the inside out
* Keeps delicate tissues and membranes healthy
Anal Itch Assist

Anger-Soothe Homeopathic remedy

#3-Anger-Soothe Temporarily:
* Reduces feelings of frustration and discontent
* Relieves nighttime tension, including night terrors and sleep talking
* Reduces angry emotions and is especially suited for stressed, workaholic personalities
Get more info on Anger-Soothe - Homeopathic remedy temporarily reduces anger and irritability, plus prevents temper outbursts

Conjunct-a-Clear Homeopathic remedy

#4-Conjunct-a-Clear Temporarily:
* Soothes irritated eyes
* Relieves itchiness
* Reduces bloodshot appearance
* Reduces gummy eye discharge

Conjunct-a-Clear Wash Homeopathic eyewash

#5-Conjunct-a-Clear Wash Temporarily:
* Relieves irritation and cleanses the eye
* Alleviates itchiness and sticky discharge
* Soothes sore, tired and strained eyes
* Brightens eyes to reduce bloodshot appearance
* Removes dust or microscopic debris from the eye
Conjunct-a-Clear Wash


#6-FemaLube Benefits:
* Provides everyday lubricating comfort
* Helps maintain vaginal tone and elasticity
* Perfect for sexual activity

Gout-Gone Homeopathic remedy

#7-Gout-Gone Temporarily:
* Relieves gout symptoms
* Relieves acute burning pains in joints
* Relieves swelling and inflammation, especially in toes and small joints
* Assists the body in reducing uric acid build up in joints

HayFever Fighter Homeopathic remedy

#8-HayFever Fighter Temporarily:
* Controls sneezing, coughing and wheezing
* Reduces itchy, watering eyes and nose
* Addresses the stuffy feeling associated with pollen allergies
* Relieves itching and burning sensations in the mouth and throat
HayFever Fighter

Headache Soothe Homeopathic remedy

#9-Headache Soothe Temporarily:
* Relieves acute headaches associated with stress, tension and fatigue
* Alleviates a ‘heavy’ feeling in the head
* Reduces common pounding sensations
* Supports blood circulation and oxygenation for brain and nervous system health
Headache Soothe

InflammaGo Homeopathic remedy

#10-InflammaGo Temporarily:
* Reduces acute pain and stiffness in the joints and muscles
* Relieves inflammation in muscles and joints
* Helps relieve sports injuries, as well as muscle and joint fatigue
* Assists healing after over-exertion and physical stress

Invigorate Skin Tonic

#11-Invigorate Skin Tonic Benefits:
* Rejuvenates and nourishes the skin
* Encourages healthy, youthful skin from the inside out
* Maintains skin tone, clarity and a fresh, healthy look
* Provides high concentration of skin-supporting herbal nutrients
Invigorate Skin Tonic

Leg Cramp Away Homeopathic remedy

#12-Leg Cramp Away Temporarily:
* Relieves acute pain associated with leg cramps
* Relaxes muscle spasms in the legs and calves
* Encourages healthy circulation in the lower limbs
Leg Cramp Away

Mucus-Clear Homeopathic remedy

#13-Mucus-Clear Temporarily:
* Clears stubborn phlegm and throat congestion
* Helps to remove mucus in the throat
* Reduces the need to frequently clear the throat
* Encourages respiratory health

Oral-Assist Homeopathic remedy

#14-Oral-Assist Temporarily:
* Relieves acute pain and throbbing associated with common toothaches
* Supports healing action
* Encourages the body’s immune system
* Promotes bone and tissue structures of the teeth
* Maintains gum tissue and all-round oral health

Pure-n-Fresh Breath Spray

#15-Pure-n-Fresh Breath Spray Benefits:
* Offers a refreshing burst of freshness
* Helps maintain oral hygiene
Pure-n-Fresh Breath Spray

SAD Soother Homeopathic remedy

#16-SAD Soother Temporarily:
* Relieves weather-related sadness
* Calms temperament
* Promotes an easy-going, positive emotional outlook
* Encourages increased energy levels
SAD Soother

Scab-Ease Itch Relief Homeopathic remedy

#17-Scab-Ease Itch Relief Temporarily:
* Relieves acute skin discomfort
* Reduces skin itch and rash
* Alleviates dryness
* Soothes the skin to allow for healing
Scab-Ease Itch Relief

Sweat-Less Homeopathic remedy

#18-Sweat-Less Temporarily:
* Reduces excessive sweating and clamminess
* Balances fluid levels in the body to control perspiration
* Addresses brain and nervous system health to curb emotional triggers of sweating

Tic Tamer Homeopathic remedy

#19-Tic Tamer Temporarily:
* Relieves nervous tics and jerking
* Reduces involuntary muscle spasms
* Promotes a soothing and calming effect
Tic Tamer

Vagi-Soothe Homeopathic remedy

#20-Vagi-Soothe Temporarily:
* Alleviates vaginal itching and burning
* Reduces discharge and odor
* Promotes soothed skin
* Maintains delicate vaginal tissue and membrane health

Are Your Kids Hooked on Prescription Drugs?

Information on and natural remedies for the treatment of children's medical conditions.

While most parents worry about their children falling under the influence of illegal street drugs, few probably lose sleep over the effects caused from doctor-prescribed medications, used to treat every ailment from ADD to weight loss in children. Studies show that American children receive three times the drug treatments for common medical conditions than European children, according to a report recently published in Child and Adolescent Psychiatry and Mental Health.

There are several cultural differences that may be correlated to the significantly higher amount of kids on medication. Differences in diagnostic testing may be linked to higher rates of medication, as well as a greater number of child psychiatrists in the United States versus Europe. Heavy direct-to-consumer pharmaceutical advertising is also widely accepted and touted in the United States, subsequently leading many to seek out “quick fix” approaches at the doctor’s office.

In mainstream North American culture, medications are generally not viewed negatively, but rather almost as impulse purchases rather than researched decisions-- often taken without proper supervision or weighing the short and long-term side effects and contraindications.

However, perhaps parents should carefully think over the possible side effects and cautions before signing their child up to a potentially life-long dependence on prescriptions. Particularly in cases of suspected ADD/ADHD in children – disorders without a concrete diagnostic test available — conventional treatment may not fully address the underlying causes and issues, but rather just suppress the problem. Parents should also consider the many herbal and homeopathic remedies which can help maintain harmony, health and systemic balance in the brain and nervous system, without side effects or sedation.

While there is a place for conventional medicine, it should not be viewed as the only solution... and more people need to recognize that taking a proactive approach to wellness can prevent ailments from developing or worsening.

In combination with a healthy lifestyle, natural remedies can help maintain healthy consistent behavior, clear focus, and optimum performance by providing a sound platform to support wellness and vitality.

How has BrightSpark helped others?

"I just want to extend a heartfelt thank you to Native Remedies. Let me first start by saying that, never having a brother, I thought that our son's behavior was that of a "typical boy". We have a boy now 4 1/2 and a daughter 3 1/2. What really sparked us to start looking at ... the differences in behavior towards activities such as coloring and making puzzles, detailed oriented vs. short spurts of attention... The idea of giving our growing child a pharmaceutical drug was just not an option for us, so Native Remedies was "truly a blessing". We started our son on BrightSpark and Focus Formula, and within 7 - 10 days there was such a difference in our son: he was able to sit through an entire family meal (huge for us), his appetite improved, his sleep improved (he was always restless), and he was able to verbalize an emotion pertaining towards a song (I cried - he had never done this in the past). We have since made changes in food choices, scheduling of daily routines, and now include MindSoothe Jr., which has helped us all out. I now see our son take the time to think about what he wants to express, and that makes my heart sing. Thank you all so much." - Renee J., USA

Get more info on BrightSpark for Child ADD and ADHD

Related Products

Learning & Concentration

Homeopathic remedy temporarily relieves hyperactivity, distractibility and impulsiveness in children.

Focus Formula™
Supports concentration and attention, while maintaining normal energy levels in children and adults.

Triple Complex Brain Tonic™
Supports brain health and functioning, including concentration, memory and balanced mood in all ages

Extra Study Support

Supports concentration and memory functioning

A+ Test Calmer™
Settles common exam nerves in students of all ages

Weight Loss

For safe weight loss and management in children and preteens

For healthy weight loss, maintenance and system cleansing in teens

Tips for Shifting Our Perspective on Food

* Start thinking about food as fuel for the body. Food is the energy we need to keep our bodies moving. Eat for health and not just for what looks or tastes good.
* Look at labels. Try to stay away from processed foods with large amounts of additives. If you can’t pronounce an ingredient, stay away!
* Be open to new things. You may have become accustomed to eating the same things over and over, but incorporating new foods and flavors will help change your perception that healthy foods are boring.
* Go green. Green foods are essential to your health. Incorporate spinach, kale and broccoli into your diet.
* Create a peaceful environment to eat in. Avoid rushing or eating in front of the television set. Take your time and savor your meal.
* Learn discipline. If you generally eat whatever you crave, learn to listen to your body’s cravings. Your body knows what it needs. Keep a food journal. Review it often to see where you need improvement.

Get more info on EcoSlim for Ephedra-Free, Safe Weight Loss

A Change in Attitude for a Healthy Change on the Scale

An estimated 66 percent of Americans are considered overweight or obese - making weight loss one of the top New Year’s resolutions.

Do you know the top 2 tricks for your weight loss plan to succeed? They’re simpler than you may think—and they include adjusting your sleep routines and your attitude towards food!

A Better Body Starts with Balanced Sleep

The relationship between insomnia and obesity has been studied extensively and reports have shown that lack of sufficient sleep has the potential to interfere with the body’s metabolic process.

Aim for a minimum of 7 hours of sleep each night. Also make sure to be relaxed when bed time comes around. Listening to soothing music, reading your favorite book, enjoying a cup of chamomile tea or taking a warm shower will go a long way in setting the mood for a restful night of sleep.

Let Go of a Bad Attitude – How to Move Ahead

Developing a positive attitude towards food is another essential part of any successful weight loss plan. Research has shown that people that have a positive attitude towards food have a better body image and healthier weight.

Many times when dieting, we obsess over calorie intake; but counting calories is counterproductive when eating over-processed foods high in sodium and preservatives. These foods may be low in fat and calories, but they have the potential of slowly intoxicating the body with elements the liver and digestive system cannot fully metabolize, rendering weight-loss attempts unsuccessful. Not only that, but we start seeing food as “the enemy” instead of as a source of sustenance that is meant to be fully appreciated and enjoyed.

We can adopt a healthier attitude by learning from cultures that enjoy healthy longevity such as the Japanese, who meal times a ritual. Their approach involves taking great care in all stages of the meal process, beginning with the selection of ingredients.

Think Natural & Fresh

Fresh ingredients offer a greater amount of essential nutrients than processed ones. Leafy greens such as romaine lettuce, spinach, and collard greens are rich in vitamins and can be prepared in a variety of ways. Natural weight loss remedies rich with herbal ingredients are also a great way to help increase your metabolism and reach your target weight loss goals.

The internet can be a valuable resource for finding healthy recipes and tips that can help take the boredom out of preparing vegetables. Fresh fruits (especially seasonal ones) are another element of a healthy diet and need little more than a wash to make a sweet and healthy snack. And though cooking meals from scratch can seem like a time-consuming task; doesn’t it make sense to dedicate time and effort in preparing what will be providing nourishment for your body?

Start today and adopt new positive attitudes and behaviors, how about making this year’s weight loss resolution a lasting success?

Get more info on EcoSlim for Ephedra-Free, Safe Weight Loss

Don’t Let ADD/ADHD Stand in Your Way!

Information on and natural remedies for the treatment of ADD and ADHD.

Don’t let ADD/ADHD interfere with personal success. Studies from the Journal of Clinical Psychiatry show adults with ADD/ADHD have significantly less educational and occupational achievements than their peers, relative to anticipated accomplishments based on intellect.

This lack of scholastic and professional success in the group of participants studied found that those with ADD/ADHD attained less schooling, regardless of IQ levels-- likely correlated with learning, mental focus, and attention span problems that affected academic performance-- thus limiting advancement in higher education studies.

These problems also likely manifested into adult ADD/ADHD symptoms that hindered career success, including difficulty following directions, remembering information, organizing tasks, or completing work within time limits. It is also likely that many of the behavioral, social, and emotional effects also carried into adulthood, further attributing to vocational deficiencies.

However, the bottom line of the study is that the symptoms of ADD/ADHD are holding some adults back from achieving their true professional potential... not intellectual ability. Therefore, recognizing these concentration difficulties and addressing them can help overcome these obstacles.

There are many herbal and homeopathic remedies which can help maintain mental focus, attention span, and concentration without side effects or sedation. These remedies are known for their supportive function in maintaining brain, nervous system and circulatory health, as well as mood and overall well-being. Making simple changes in diet, sleep, exercise, and routine can also help. Even trying more involved approaches like incorporating relaxation therapies such as guided imagery, meditation techniques, or yoga can be beneficial.

The natural way

It stands to reason, therefore, that maintaining an adequate supply of blood to the brain will help to increase oxygen and nutrient supply and maintain a healthy balance of oxygen and carbon dioxide in the brain – thereby maintaining healthy brain functions like concentration, attention span, mental alertness and memory. These are just a few of the many reasons why regular exercise, healthy diet, and sufficient sleep are all very important to enhance brain function and the nervous system.

Rather than treating problems in isolation, naturopaths prefer to take a holistic look at the individual and incorporate changes in a number of areas including diet, lifestyle, surroundings, and emotional elements - thereby supporting the health of the individual as a whole.

In addition, natural remedies have been used in traditional medicine for thousands of years to support the healthy functioning of the brain and nervous system, helping to maintain efficient concentration and memory functioning.

In more recent times, research has confirmed this traditional wisdom. There are now many published clinical studies demonstrating the ability of a range of herbs to support the normal functioning of the brain and nervous system, and maintain the healthy flow of oxygen and nutrient- rich blood to the brain and peripheries (Pointel JP, Boccalon H, Cloarec M, Ledevehat C, Joubert M. Angiology 1987;38[1 Pt 1]:46-50).

What is Focus ADDult?

Focus ADDult is a 100% safe, non-addictive, natural herbal remedy and is formulated by a clinical psychologist specifically for teenagers and adults.

Focus ADDult has been used for many years to safely maintain and support brain function and systemic balance, without side effects or sedation.

Focus ADDult contains a selection of herbs known for their supportive function in maintaining brain, nervous system, circulatory health, and overall well-being.

How has Focus ADDult helped others?

"I've already recommended the Focus ADDult to friends and the head of our Special Ed Department at the school in which I work." -Stephanie, CA, USA

“My whole life I struggled ... When I was a kid I was placed in remedial education. However, with my strong worth ethic and determination I was placed in AP and Honors classes. Even though I made outstanding improvement, my disorganization really affected me. When Focus ADDult arrived two days ago, I took it before a math study group and my friends were alarmed of how fast I grasped topics and how focused I was. After only two days the results have been amazing. I have already finished two chapters in one of my AP classes. I find that I am drinking coffee a lot less, and I am calmer in general. With a combination of self-discipline, work ethic, positive emotions and product support from Native Remedies, I can finally reach my main goals. If all goes well, I plan to purchase some more products! Thank you Native Remedies!" -David, NY, USA

“…Luckily I gave Focus ADDult a try! I can highly recommend it for anyone who wants to (support) study skills and concentration." -Felicity (27 Years Old)

“I just wanted to thank you, thank you, thank you for your Focus ADDult. I have a child (12-year-old 6th grader) …My daughter has been taking your Focus ADDult for about 5-6 weeks, and she has not one failing grade …on her report card. Her last report card had 3! All her grades are up to C's. She feels good about herself and doesn't say anything about drinking her "smart water" every day. I'm also thankful you have the drops, as she has trouble swallowing pills. The drops have rescued her. Thank you so much!” -Vickie, T, USA

Get more information on Focus ADDult for Adult ADD

Related Products:
* To maintain brain health, memory, mental focus, and concentration, visit Triple Complex Brain Tonic
* To support healthy levels of energy and stamina, visit Fatigue Fighter
* To support emotional wellness and maintain a positive mental attitude, visit MindSoothe
* Homeopathic remedy temporarily relieves hyperactivity, distractibility and impulsiveness in children, visit BrightSpark